Chapter Sixteen - Badboy Appearance and an Announcement

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Chapter Sixteen - A Badboy Apperance and an Announcement

Never before had I ever seen anyone reel Hunter and Ace in so quickly. That face was memorable, and the personality I had glimpsed was unforgettable. “Anyone care to enlighten me about exactly what just happened?” I asked, holding the eight sticks of fried potato.

“I think her personality is electric?” Dean said uncertainly. “Hunter and her were going out for a while, then she dumped him.”

“Didn’t realise they were all still that close,” Dylan remarked.

I visualised Hunter and her standing next to each other, and I had to admit, they were a perfect match. “It was awkward because the whole time, we couldn’t really work out who she was into. I mean, I read girls like a book,” Dean continued. “For a while we thought it was Ace. Then it seemed like Hunter. Then it went back to Ace. But in the end it was Hunter.”

I imagined Ace and her standing next to each other, and they also looked perfect together. Then again, maybe I wasn’t actually imagining anyone next to her, but just her by herself.

“Oh yeah guys. Maybe you could help me with this?” I suggested, holding the sticks up.

“Oh yeah, I’ll just get mine,” Dean said, taking one.

“Me too,” Dylan chimed.

“Thanks guys,” I said sarcastically.

Thankfully, my knowledge of the showground was quite extensive – after all I’d only been there almost every year – because the two guys had absolutely no idea where they were going.

When we got back, I nearly dropped the potato sticks altogether. Carla was standing there, beckoning us – well probably the other two.

She jogged up to us and dragged them along, leaving me to dawdle behind, which I had to admit was pretty awkward. When they were dragged back to where the others were waiting, Ella saw me and ran up to me.

“Who is that?” She whispered, throwing glances at Carla.

“Her name’s Carla?” I replied. “Want a potato stick?” I asked, holding out one.

“Sure,” she grabbed it and started munching. This, however, didn’t stop her hurling questions at me while we crawled back. “They were just talking. I mean, she was talking to Ace and Hunter. They seem close. Really close – ”

I cut her off. “That’s ‘cause her and Hunter were dating before.”

“What!?” She shrieked, a little too loudly.

“Uh yeah?”

“Of course. Why didn’t I think of that? Typical of the badboys to date girls like that. But still, if they broke up, why on earth are they so close!?”

“How would I know? I saw her for the first time like fifteen minutes ago! And why are you so worked up anyway?”

Because I was waiting for you to date one of them. But if she’s there, that sort of puts a hitch in our plans!”

Your plans,” I corrected.

From what I could see, and what I had heard, the whole Carla, Ace and Hunter situation was a little confusing. I couldn’t even work out how Ace was even involved in the whole thing.

When we got to them, I distributed the potato sticks, before realising that since Carla was there, we were one short.

“Here, you can have this one,” I said to Carla, holding out my uneaten potato stick thing.

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