Chapter Seven Part 2 - My Prince in Muddy School Uniform

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Chapter Seven Part 2 - My Prince in Muddy School Unifor m

My eyelids were heavy, and I was worn out. There had been far too much action in one day for me to take in. As soon as I lay down, despite the fact it was a stranger's bed, I went out like a light.

RING! RING! RING! RING! What I assumed was Ace's phone rang like an anti-theft alarm. I was tired, really tired, and yet, I had to pull myself up and open my eyes. "Hello?" Ace answered, holding the phone up to his ear. "Uh huh," he said, glancing over at me. "Yeah. Okay. You are so dead." Then his face went a funny shade of pink. "No I did not! I really will kill you. I'm giving the phone to her now."

Ace handed the phone to me. "Hello?" I answered.
"Cathy, how was the accommodation?" Hunter asked enthusiastically.
"Wonderful, absolutely delightful," I replied sarcastically.
"Did he try anything funny?"
"Try anything funny what?"
"You know what I mean."
"Actually, I don't."
"Trust me, I tried several times!" Ace teased, making sure Hunter could hear through the phone.
"Oh right. That." I finally realised what Hunter had been alluding too.

"No, he didn't do anything," I answered plainly.
"You sure?" Hunter asked.
"Super duper sure?"
"Super super super super..." I hung up the phone and passed it back to Ace.

"Does he always do this?" I asked.
"Nope. In fact, he never calls me. Now that I think about it, no one really calls me. I'm surprised my phone hasn't died from lack of use." Ace tossed it into his bag. "Oh crap," he suddenly said.
"I have track and field training."
"Oh crap. So do I."

I was still in my uniform that consisted of a sport and uncomfortable laced up black shoes. Ace quickly rushed to go and get changed as I stepped onto the floor. I winced in pain as my ankle throbbed. I had totally forgotten about that. Now that I looked, it was about twice the size of a normal ankle. Not good.

Was I supposed to hobble to training and then hobble to school? How was I even going to make it to school? "You look concerned," Ace said as he left the bathroom, now wearing his track and field uniform.
"I don't have a uniform, and my ankle looks like this." I put my leg up onto the bed for him to see. His eyes went as wide as frisbees when he saw the puffed up looking thing.
"Can you walk?"

"Okay, just change into this." He threw a smaller sized track and field uniform of his at me. It was probably one from his junior years. Yes, I was that small, and yes, he was that tall. He helped me hobble into the bathroom and I shut the door, doing my best to change while hopping around on one leg. Surprisingly, I managed to change rather quickly. I shoved my old clothes into a plastic bag Ace had given me and hobbled back out.

"Um, um, right. I'll get out the window first, and you try to get out." He thought for a moment. "If you somehow manage to topple over and fall, I'll make sure I catch you...or something." I nodded and waited as he pulled himself out of the window. I looked out and saw him land safely.

"I'm getting out now," I said, sticking my legs out first through the window. I landed on one leg, but lost my balance, falling backwards. Luckily, he semi-caught me so I didn't smash my head open on the bricks.

"Er, okay, get on my back." He crouched down with his arms by his sides. I wasn't into this piggybacking gig much. It was always really awkward, and while being carried, it felt like I was going to topple over at any minute.

I finally managed to get on and he hooked his arms around my legs. "I'm going to hold on," he warned. Just after he had said that, he took off at an insane speed, especially considering the fact that I was adding extra weight onto him.

We pounded down the driveway - well he did. He took a sharp left and continued running. The cold wind rushed against my face, making my skin tingle. Early morning walkers gasped as we flew past them. Ace pulled out his phone to check the time. "It's six thirty, we're definitely going to miss majority of training!"

He began running even faster, and subconsciously, I had to hold on tighter, possibly unintentionally strangling him with my arms.

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