Chapter Nine - What the Heck is a First Love?

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Chapter Nine - What the Heck is a First Love?

"Okay, let's go," I quickly said when my voice had returned to me.
"Hold on a second. Who is this guy?" Hunter asked, stopping me in my path.
"Get out of my way," I said assertively.
"Who is it?"
"Who is who?" I asked innocently, beginning to get severely annoyed.
"The guy...that one right there," Hunter answered, gesturing towards Archer.
"A student?" I questioned.
'You know what I mean." His voice lowered significantly.
"Am I to report all my associations, friends, family to you? Who the heck are you anyway? You're not my mum, my dad, my boyfriend or even a close friend!" I exclaimed.

"Okay guys. Break it up," Ace said, stepping in between us. He wheeled Hunter away, but glanced back before going into the hallway.

"He's back," Ella sighed.
"Evidently," I grumbled.
"You still like him?" she teased.

"No. It's just...I didn't think he'd be coming back," I answered honestly. Ella made stupid lovey-dovey faces and I whacked her in the arm for it. I turned back quickly and Archer was still standing there. I looked away immediately as his eyes moved in my direction.
"We should get going. I would like to avoid any awkward occurrences as much as possible." I grabbed Ella by the shoulders, spun her around and pushed her along into the hallway.

So far, so good. Maybe he forgot me. Hang on a second, would that be a good thing, or a bad thing? The first person I liked forgetting me? That couldn't be seen as 'good', could it?

Hunter and Ace stood at the end of the hallway talking. Hunter noticed my presence and immediately began walking towards me. No questions, no questions, I pleaded in my mind.

Just then, a far too familiar voice exclaimed, "Cathy!"

I spun on my heel, mouth and throat dry. "Long time no see," Archer smiled, hands in his pockets.

Ella nudged me sharply in the ribs and I realised I'd been gaping for far too long. What the heck was I supposed to say? Oh good you decided to return? Fantastic, how was France? Did you go to the Eiffel tower?

"Hi," I said in a really weird, airy voice.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot." He swung his bag around to the front and unzipped the middle pocket, fumbled around. It took a while. Occasionally, he would look up, smile at me and I'd give a stupid smile back. "Eyes shut," he said, his hands clasped around something I couldn't see.


"Close your eyes," he repeated, laughing. "Seriously. I'm not going to punch you in the face or anything."

I shut my eyes. "Hold out your hands too," he added. I held out my hands palms up next to each other, wondering what he was doing. He placed a rectangular object in the middle of my palms. "You can open your eyes now."

I opened my eyes, and gasped. "Wow," I said breathlessly. I brought my arms up higher to further inspect the amazing thing. It was a golden Eiffel tower with fake diamonds – I assume they're fake – attached. It sparkled and shimmered inside the clear glass case.

"It's one of one hundred made. You should feel honoured," he grinned.

"Seriously? Wow. Thank you! It's so amazing!" I half-squealed. There were probably actual stars in my eyes at this point. His phone beeped and he looked at it.

"Ah, how inconvenient. I have to finish transfers. I'll see you around."

"Okay, bye," I replied, still in awe at that thing.

"I'm not surprised. Your prince charming never fails to meet expectations," Ella sighed wistfully as Archer walked away. "How much do you think this thing costs?"

"I don't know...I hope it's not that expensive," I muttered, still staring at the amazing, wonderful, shiny, awesome, gobsmackingly glamorous little Eiffel tower. Words could not describe my awe.

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