Chapter Ten Part One - Heat

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Chapter Ten Part One – Heat

Days passed but the memory of that day was fresh in my mind. It was quite embarrassing whenever I thought about it. "Okay, spill, what happened?" Ella said all of a sudden, stopping me as I approached my locker.
"Nothing," I lied poorly.
"Hm. Yeah, right. Seriously. You've been acting weird for the past few days!"
"Morning Cathy," Archer said, smiling as he walked by.
"Hi," I mumbled. I could feel my face reddening for no reason whatsoever. It had been so normal for him and here I was freaking out over pretty much nothing.
"Okay, so. You're still going to deny that anything happened?" Ella raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms.

So I told her. It wasn't much of a story really. Most of it was spent with me going, 'Well...afterschool," and then pausing or half an hour. Then repeating that. After a while, I finally spat it out and Ella cracked up. She literally doubled over laughing with one hand against the locker to stabilise herself.

"What?" I asked, feeling awfully embarrassed by her reaction.
"That's it!?" she continued roaring with laughter. My face was burning up. Oh yay. "You mean, he kissed you on the forehead and that's why you're avoiding him and acting all weird and going red randomly?" I nodded cautiously.

She swung her arm over my shoulder and my neck shrunk into my shoulders. I had never been fond of any form of contact, no matter who it was. "You, my friend, have zero experience in this field. But I must say, don't his rash actions seem to show us something?"

What on earth was she going to think up now?

"You know, for a top student, you certainly aren't very bright sometimes," she said as she critically analysed my face.
"What?" I answered, suddenly feeling very self cautious.
"He likes you!" She practically screamed. If it were a normal thing to do, I would have jumped up and covered her mouth with my hands. Unfortunately, jumping seemed like a far too difficult task this morning and I wasn't too keen on accidentally shoving my hand into her mouth.
"Shut up!" I hissed. "What the hell are you even saying?" I checked left and right to make sure no one was in the hallway.

"So, has he asked you out?" She grinned.
"Uh, no. Hence, he doesn't like me," I reasoned.
"Well you had Friday and the whole weekend to think about it. Do tell me you've got some kind of an opinion."

"I was studying for the physics test, you know? The one that was two days ago?"
"How did that go?"
"Terribly," I mumbled, remembering just how doomed I was. That test had been dreadful. Dreadful.
"Too busy thinking about Archer, eh?" She teased, nudging me in the ribs.

Okay, so I was quite a ticklish person. I jolted backwards into the middle of the hallway with my arms up in self defence in case Ella tried it again, only to crash into someone behind me.

I turned my head slowly, knowing fate had a way of messing with things. I prepared my mind and soul for the person to be Ace or Hunter - as it usually would be - only to have twice the heart attack to discover it was Archer.

I immediately straightened up and could feel my face heating up - as per usual. "Sorry!" I exclaimed quickly.
"It's okay," he laughed. "Are you heading to the annual show next month?"

The annual show was, well, annual. It had everything; stalls, rides and mini concerts. I went every year. I'd been going with my family up until last year when I went with Ella.

"Uh yeah, I think so," I answered.
"Cool. Should we all meet up and go together?"
Was this some discrete form of asking me out or...? I brushed the thought aside. How could I think such things?
"That sounds great!" Ella practically yelled, baring all her teeth as she grinned broadly, weirdly slightly wiggling her eyebrows at me.

"Uh o-kay then," Archer said slowly, probably slightly intimidated by Ella's creepy expression. I didn't blame the poor guy. "Well we'll work it out after exams. See you around."
"See ya," I replied as he walked off.

We watched as he walked down the hallway and took a left. As soon as he was gone, I turned to Ella slowly, and I had a feeling she knew that I was going to potentially harm her soon. "What was that!?" I half-shouted.
"What? I spoke your mind for you," she smiled innocently.
"You might as well tell him: 'You know, Cathy likes you, so yeah, she's dying to go'!"
"Should I have said that?" she asked sarcastically.
"I'm gonna kill you one day."

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