Interview Time!

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Interview Time!

To Hunter:

When did you start liking Cathy?

I found her interesting early on, but I wouldn't say I liked her until a little before I actually told her. It's hard committing, you know? There's so much responsibility, and once you say it, there's no taking it back. It's carved in stone. You've liked this person. Forever. Which would be fine if she wasn't so cold all the time *sniffles*

Do you like or love Cathy?

*whining* I've said this so many times already? Can I pass? No. Alright. Everyone loves watching me profess my feelings. Is this exploitation? *quickly leaves to ask Cathy a question* Well alright, apparently it isn't exploitation. Okay. I like Cathy. I'm in too deep. Should've brought my floaties.

To Ace:

What did you say to Cathy when the bus went by and she didn't hear you?

It was a very long time ago. I have no idea. Am I supposed to remember that far back? It was probably something like "You know what? You're okay. Being around you is okay." *groaning* This is so awkward.

Why did you hug Carla?

We're still friends and we used to be a lot closer, but she confided in me. The real reason she transferred was because her parents had split up and moved houses. She was going through a rough time and she needed the comfort and support.

Note: I was supposed to reveal this somehow during the story and link it to her going to the ball with Archer, but I forgot. Whoops.

To Cathy:

Do you actually love Ace? * slow awkward laughter *


Who tripped Cathy (during the cross country)?

Carla. It's sort of implied, but yes.

Who started the rumour about Cathy?

Jenny. This is also sort of implied :)

Why did you make Hunter and Cathy end up together?

I felt like Hunter and Cathy were super complementary. Cathy is a little socially awkward, shy and tight wound while Hunter is very carefree and borderline obnoxious. That way, he's able to approach her and get her to open up and talk. Imagine having a non-obnoxious character; she'd end the conversation pretty quickly and well, farewell potential romance. Hunter keeps it all going :D

He's also able to distract her and sort of lighten up her problems. She's not very aggressive relationship-wise and is conservative, so he's able to make the first move without being shy. I also think she would have found him very endearing because he sort of grows on you.

Any other questions? Just comment below! :)

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