Shadow of Pluto - 29 - The Guard

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The man who had been put onto guard duty in his master's bedroom probably had never had an easier job. For a whole long while he had been sitting here, leaned back into the chef's seat, he had pushed over from the study next door. His eyes were fixed upon his mobile phone. From his position, he would see it if that strange lady-boy so much as twitched. But up to now, that guy had been rather obliging by just sleeping on.

In that golden dress, he looked very much like a model that had gotten too many drinks or – more likely 'and' – had shot too much heroin after some successful show ... Not that he had ever been on one of those gigs ... fashion weeks or anything like that. Yet, he knew the stupidity of women who thought that by playing along with the rich men currently courting them, they would become the next missus of the house. As if that sort of thing really happened!

They just got themselves fucked – and fucked over – and often enough guys like him then had the chance to comfort them – and to fuck them as well.

The first hour of his duty here had almost passed and if things went on like this, he was pretty sure, he could even take a nap at some point. He had walked over to the bed twice, had shaken the long-haired Chinese, but he hadn't reacted in any way.

With a shrug, the guard had taken his place again.

Now he was watching some live stream of a baseball match, and it took him a while until he realized that the hostage was indeed turning. An unpleasant shot of heat rushed to his head because he had been so very sure he would not miss any stir on the bed ... His boss better not hear of this!

Between the sheets the Chinese was moving now ... or rather shivering? The whole mattress was soon trembling.

Some kind ... of seizure maybe? Presumably a reaction to the drugs he had been given?

The guard got up from his chair rather reluctantly, yet then he rushed over to the bed. He grabbed the young man by the shoulders and shook him several times, even before he took a closer look.

"Hey!", he bellowed at him.

Only then did he see that there was saliva running out of the Chinese's mouth and down the side of his chin, and his eyelids were flattering, only showing the white behind.

"Hey!", he shouted again. He'd better get some help. If his boss' precious hostage died on his watch – that would ... He could not even think about it without feeling his knees becoming weak.

"Stop that!" he cried, then smacked the young man across the cheek.

His eyes opened at once, dark and focused. His hand shot up, but the guard did not see where it went. He only felt it, when he was thrown backwards. There was a 'pop' or something like that in his throat ... and a grinding. He wondered about the strange sounds for a moment and did not even realize how hard he had hit the floor, how very much his knees had given out now indeed. Then he grabbed his neck, when he noticed that there was no air coming through.

Soon his fingers scratched at his skin and ripped it open. His vision slowly faded, while his lungs strained to pump out the air, while his brain called for oxygen in a frenzy.

The Chinese in his golden cloth getting out of bed, his black hair very much the color of the coat Death wore when he came riding, was the last he saw. When his eyes already lost all vision, the other man stepped on his neck with one foot and crushed his larynx even deeper into the dying man's throat.

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