Unexpected throwback :⁠-⁠)

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Next day

Yesterday was a blast.
I actually had fun, but today's back to the regular- Boring.

It got me thinking- what might've happened with Magee and Sandra? haven't heard from them in a while.

I laid around turning from one place to another, until something I thought might be fun popped into my head.
I could stop by the town old court.

The thought reminded me of a pretty weird event that occured some days ago at school before the holidays.


Before Summer break ⛱️
After exams

I had my last papers today.

Exams were finally over.

Yup, I'm excited.
I might love challenges, but I still have exam pressures just like everyone else.
Plus, no one would want to fail their first school exams, am I right?
Especially when you have a mom like mine.

I didn't hear from Kyle again since our last weird encounter at the superstore.
Not a call, or even a message.
Not like I care, infact it's just what I wanted.

It was like we never met, and for one I found it hard to notice since exams were on then, also because of my classic personality, people disappearing on me like that doesn't bug me anymore. Infact, I find it weird when they don't ditch me, and even weirder when they stick.
Like Lena, and Antonio.
They just don't get the message.
Since exams were over, I no longer needed the excess study time for a while. At least it would take some time before another.

What? A girl need her break.

So, since I couldn't think of any place to go to, I decided to hit the court. After all, there was no way anyone would be using it since exams just ended. Although not for everyone- some still had papers tomorrow. I mean even athletes need a high GPA to remain on the team- so I'm sure it would be vacant- But how wrong I was...

I played for a while and maybe got carried away a bit, until I heard a familiar voice from afar yell;
"What's this loser doing on the court again?" The stern voice asked loudly.

Then I turned around to meet Jane, her friends, or was it teammates, and my insulter was amongst them (the sharp mouthed animal).

Now, I get the familiar voice. It's the nosy girl from the tryouts.
I'm guessing they recruited her at the tryouts on Monday. Not surprised though. She seems like their type. Shouldn't take time for her to fit in.

"What do you think you're doing, trying to hurt yourself?" Another one said laughing mockingly, who I recognized to be the Tess girl. The one I saw with Julie sometime ago.

"Didn't I tell you to stay at the loser's spot, where you belong?" The familiar voice asked again, snatching the ball from me. Which caused me to stagger a bit.
I wasn't expecting her to do that.

They all began laughing. I'm guessing they've never seen a person stagger out of shock.
Although Julie just kept watching, unmoved by everything.

Their little drama was beginning to attract a little crowd, since people began walking into the court.

It was like someone alerted them that a drama was about to unveil itself at the court.

"Girls, leave her be." Jane intruded, suddenly acting like she cared.
"She's gonna be one of us soon." She added weirdly.
"After all, she did go out of her way, through so much trouble, to get Kyle to continuously beg the coach to recruit her." She added to my surprise.

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