Another day in clear lake.

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It was another day in clear lake, but unlike the usual sunny and busy atmosphere, it was quite dull and cool.

I was in my room dramatizing alone, when the door blasted open.

"Hey girlfriend." Was what followed.
It was Sandra, who was now apparently slipping into a chair close to me.

"Hey Sandra." I replied, playing along.

"At least you remembered my name today." She added, rather snobbishly,

Her lips began moving again, but I couldn't really make up what she was trying to say, since I was still trying to return from my imaginative travel.

"Jennifer!" She yelled afterwards, pulling me back to reality.

"Yes ma'am." I replied freakishly.

"Were you even listening to me?" Sandra asked with spikes of frustration in her voice

"You were talking to me?"
I questioned weirdly, scratching the back of my neck.

"Wow, I was just talking to myself." She added in a more intense tone.

"Sorry, I just got caught up thinking about something. What were you saying?" I requested with a fake smile.

"Forget it. Who were you talking to?" She questioned curiously.

I was going to reply with a lie that I was singing, but got distracted by Magee, who I had no idea was in here.

"Jenny's a wild minder, have you forgotten that?" She said from behind me, where she was going through some of my handwritten novels.

"H-e-y, didn't see you there, Mags." I said stylishly moving my stuffs away from her.
"So, why are you guys here anyways?" I enquired, stylishly.

"What? Can't we come visit a friend anymore?" Sandra replies sneakily.

I would've believed that, if I didn't already know them.
They only visit when they want something.

"And yeah, aren't you gonna entertain us with something- and sure- any of your mom's soup would be kindly appreciated." Magee added stylishly

Here we go again.

"Sorry, but we are freshly out of those. I co-uld get you some bakings she made." I questioned stylishly.

"Sure. So long as they're edible, why not?" Magee replied.

"O-k-a-y" I added confusingly, then headed outside to get them.

I really needed to get out of there.

*. *. X *. *.

It didn't take too long for me to grab mom's baked cookies and a few cupcakes from the kitchen slab, since she had just made them, and was now out delivering them bit by bit.

I grabbed two bottled water, then left a note of what I had taken from there, aside from the bottled water though. That one's for everyone.

Then I rushed upstairs to rejoin my so called friends.

"Ugh, I'm like soo bored here.
We should head to the beach or something." Magee said grumpily, lying on the bed. "Why do we have to pretend like we care about her, by coming here?" She added.

"Aren't you tired of the beach?
BTW, still need to borrow that change from her before we leave." Sandra replied, then jenny walked in with a plate filled with bakins and two bottled water.

"Here." She said handing them to Magee.

"Thanks." Magee responds, collecting them.

"Thank God." Jenny replied with a fake smile.

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