~Feeling forgotten~

36 7 2

At the pen.

Jennifer's POV

"Men, this is gonna really cost me..." I was saying in my mind, when the person who helped me, called out to me.
He seemed worried and confused, as he asked about my welfare.

"Hey! You okay?" The voice called out again, bringing me back to reality again.

"Yah, I'm.." I said, but suddenly realized. That husky voice, with a mix of gentleness and kindness- sounded too familiar.

I looked up to confirm my doubts, and didn't realize when my body began hauling sweat down my face. My heart began pounding in a way I couldn't explain. It felt like it was going to jump out of my chest, or like I was going to have a heart attack.

"Its him!"
"Couldn't it be anyone else? I'd even take a talking dog.
Why did it have to be Antonio? And why isn't he wearing a shirt?" I muttered to myself while starring at him uncomfortably.

"Eh, hello." The guy said again to me, who hadn't moved from the position of staring at him.

Yah, he must think I'm a freak now.

"Eh- sorry."I stammered sheepishly,
"Thanks, I should ge-t going." I added, then began walking away as quickly as I could, turning back not even for a split second.

"Sure, but don't you wanna wash off a bit? we've got a hose." He asked, trying to get me to stop.

"No thanks." I rejected, slamming the door of the pen.

"Antonio! is everything okay?
what was that?" His mom yelled, coming out from an inner cabinet.

"Everything's fine mom." He replied,
"It was nothing." he added still staring at my direction, as I stumped off.


"He's still staring at me, isn't he?" Jenny said to her horse as they walked home.

"I can't believe he couldn't recognize me. I know it's been decades since we last saw each other, and I started avoiding him since Andrew's death, but that's not enough excuse for him not to recognize me." She continued

"I mean I barely changed." She added, then the horse neighed

"Yah." she said in response to that,
"and I recognized him, even that honeyed voice of his. Although he's much cuter now-" Jenny trailed on, then paused suddenly, when she realized what she had just said.

"Eiwee, what am I saying? I must've hit my head real hard." she concluded trying to erase him from her thoughts.

"Who cares if he remembers me, I should be more worried about what mom's gonna say when she sees me like this" She concluded freakishly.
"She's never gonna let me out again." She added, forcing a giggle, then she ended it with a worrisome sigh.

* * *

Once she got home, she tried to sneak into the house, after returning Henry to the barn, and giving him some hay.
But she got caught from the moment she stepped into the entrance.

"Don't you even think of stepping into my house like that" Her mom called out from behind her.

"Hey mom." Jenny said smilingly as she turned.

"Don't you hey Mom me. Look at you. I hope you aren't hurt." She added rushing over to check her.

"I'm fine, just fell into a mud puddle." Jenny clarifies

"I'm guessing you fell into someone's pig pen." Her mom questions stylishly.

"Ugh huh. It was all Henry. He plonked me off his back." Jenny explained.

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