√Wild riding√

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.*. Tens years ago .*.

In the country, the only bit of noise you could hear were the sounds of neighing horses, chirping birds, the cold wind that stands the hair on your skin, and the laughter of playing children.

We could view Jenny's mom watch the kids from a distance, while Andrew teach them to balance on a horse.

"I give up!" Jenny yelled, after her tenth trial to sit on the horse ended again with a crash on her innocent elder brother.

"Come on little jeans, I know you can do it." He comforted, then lifted her up, getting up as well.

"Yah, little jeans. You can do it." A little boy, with dusty brown unpermed hair, bushy brows and slightly kept skin, said mockingly, giggling amidst his words.

Jenny taps him playfully, then smiled. She asked her brother to place her on the horse again. Which he did- but this time- she sat with her head straight, her body relaxing, and a broad smile on her face.

"I stayed!" She yelled excitedly.

"Great!" He replied proudly, "Thanks for the taunts." He whispered to the young boy. Then the horse suddenly takes off, throwing Jenny off.

"Ha!" She screamed, but lands directly on the young boy, causing her mom to race towards them.

*. *. .*
In Jenny's house

We see Andrew apply some ointment on the boy. There were no visible injuries though.

"I'll call his mom. I'm sure she wouldn't be shocked to hear her child has a few broken bones after her husband's accident." Mrs Custer said sarcastically, leaving the room to get her phone. "No more horse rides Andrew!" She yelled as she left.

"Its alright Mrs Custer, It doesn't even hurt as much, and Jean's fine." He added jokingly, with a smile.

"Hey, it's Jenny, J-e-n-n-y" She added spelling it out to him.

"Jennifer, come on, he just saved your life. He can call you skirts if he wants to." Andrew intrudes funnily, trying to lighten up the moment.

"Sure, he helps a girl out unintentionally one time." Jenny mumbles childishly.

"Come on, you know I'm just kidding.
But he did save your life." He added comfortingly.

"Yah." Jenny replied satisfactorily.

"But he calls you Jeans." the boy questions, defensively.

"He's my brother- and you're- well- you're- you." Jenny replied weirdly.

"Wow, first you break my bones, now my heart." He adds playfully.

"Keep saying words like that, and I just might." Jenny warned playfully.

"Jennifer, don't taunt this innocent boy, haven't you done enough." Her mom warned, returning to the room.

"But he's the-"

"Ap Ap Ap" she said shutting her off.


"Huh huh." Her mom intrudes again.

"Its- Never mind." Jenny concluded, giving up. Then he winked at her.
"See." She said, trying to clarify her point, but he began fake scratching his eyes.

"Oh, hon. You okay?" Her mom asks softly to the little boy.

"I'm fine, it's nothing." He replied pretentiously. Jenny just rolled her eyes at him, with her face swollen in rage.

"Chill little Jeans, he's just playing around." Her brother comforted again, and when she wouldn't yield, he began tickling her, causing her to laugh out loudly.

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