Part 2

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I watched the candle on the other side of my jail cell flicker from the light breeze that managed to reach this far down in the ship. The cell was a decent size, double the size of the cabin I had on the Aurora Chaos, especially with the lack of furniture. With the only thing in the cell being a basic wooden bed I had just enough space to do some exercise to keep my legs from screaming with a need to run.

I still wondered how he knew that my Uncle Chuck and I were related. The resemblance of the blue fur was obvious but to know the exact relation! Something else was off with the crew but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. Maybe it was the fact that there not unkept, dishevelled-looking men and women with horrific body odour. They were neatly kept and not bad looking, to be honest. And their Captain was the perfect match for the crew; dark mysterious looks that nearly rivalled my own. Nearly.

They were nothing like what I'd pictured from books and stories. Just what other things about them were wrong?

Jumping up off my bed I released my quilts from my ponytail and combed my fingers through them. I grinned, as I felt a few dead quills collect into my hand.

There was no time like the present to see if I could pick up on anything else. Slotting the longest quill into the lock I felt out its simple mechanics before it clicked open. By now night would have consumed the sky allowing my presents to hopefully go unnoticed as I take a look around.

I paused at the sounds of voices entering my ear, just as I reached the mess hall.

"Do you think, the Captian will?" I recognised the gruff voice of the grey wolf that held my uncle captive.

"The Cap said he was to be returned unharmed" Tigger replied with a disappointed sigh "it's obvious he's used a Chaos Crystal recently, I could smell the lingering taste of power coming off him. Mmmmm, so good"

At least they didn't realise that I was Chaos born. Considering we produce chaos energy I wasn't surprised I smelled of it. I just need to play into that assumption if they start asking questions. And find some sort of sent to hide it, so I can play off the sent fading away.

"No wonder, Captain had to call you out of that trance"

"Like you would have been any better" she snapped back at him.

"Is that a challenge?" the wolf growled.

"You that dum?"

A loud bang that I could only imagine was caused by someone hitting the table rang out the room leaving silence to fill the room.

"Cedric's right" the tiger sighed in defeat.

There was a low grunt of agreement.

If I remember correctly Cedric was a dark green chameleon who had remained deadly silent. I didn't even notice him tieying until he finished it off with a final knot. Half of his face was hidden by a black bandana around his mouth which made his bright orange eyes pop even when he kept them cased low.

"I still can't believe that the crew was so weak" the wolf mused.

"Not surprisingly, Emerald Islanders think there untouchable since you need permission to enter their waters. Without the need to defend, skills become lax. Besides even if they know how to use Power Crystals they none board to use - well, apart from the pathetic little shavings they stick in candle wax because there above lighting a candle themselves"

"Dam it, I was really needing a good fight"

"You'll have to settle for a good rest instead. I'm off to bed. A girl's got to get her beauty sleep" Tigger sighed in a flirtatious voice as her footsteps faded away.

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