Part 5

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Yes, I'd just been told that the Chaos emeralds weren't on Emerald Island but that did stop me from expecting to see the familiar sight of Emerald Island appearing on the horizon. The blue tops of the white-painted buildings were wrapped around a valley that descended into the large ocean town, hosting the only harbour on the island. And yet, we were headed in the opposite direction. My mother's words and facts were starting to turn rotten before my eyes. Telling me that these powerful artefacts were locked safely away in the royal vaults.

I could feel the pull of the Chaos emerald's energy as we drew closer to our destination. First, it was like a simple longing like one would feel when wanting to see an old friend but now it was as strong as wanting to see a lover and it was getting stronger with every passing second. Silver was practically bouncing around the ship, no longer interested in my English lessons. He was now more interested in leaning over the side of the boat and staring at the little island that was calling to us both.

'It's over there, it's over there' he continued to repeat until we were close enough to the shore for the crew to deposit a little longboat onto the water below. I tapped my left foot nervously against the wooden deck as I watched the small boat gently bob up and down on the calm waves.

"Maybe it's best I say here" I commented, watching Silver descend the rigging that had been flung over the side of the ship by the crew to allow access to the tiny little boat of death.

"You're needed for translations, hedgehog" Shadow growled, gracefully jumping over the side of the ship before teleporting into the boat.

Show off.

"But all he needs to do is lead you to it and he can do that by pointing. I'm really not needed -"

"Now, hedgehog!" he snapped, glaring up at me from the small boat with his hands on his hips. I wanted to growl at his demanding attitude. Right now, I didn't have the patients to deal with his grumpiness even if he looked sexy while doing it. I was already busy using most of my energy to restrain myself. The chaos emerald was like a siren's song, trying to pull my soul towards it. Even with the dreadful waves separating us the impulse to just run toward the island was so strong I was starting to wonder how many seconds it would take me to cross what little water lay between us.

The way the rigging loosely hung from the side of the ship, did not bring me comfort as the rope frame had a mind of its own, swinging away and against the ship with the rock of the waves.

'Don't worry Sonic, I won't let you fall into the water' Silver called from below me, drawing my eyes from the rigging. My hand miss the next row of rope just as a strong wave pushed the rigging outwards, levering me away from the ship's side. My remaining fingers which were barely wrapping themselves around the thick rope slipped free as I was flung backwards. Gravity instantly took hold tipping my body towards the open ocean. Before I could even register that I was falling I felt two strong arms wrap around me. Instantly my hands wound around the hard unmovable object, fearing the thought of water around me.

Looking up my breath caught in my throat as I stared into a pair of ruby-red eyes looking down at me with a blank expression on his face. The dark figure's minty breath lightly fanned my face as I felt his white chest hair lightly brush against my chest. The waves kept us in constant motion, pulling our faces closer and further away like they were daring us to make a move.

"Thank you" the words came out of my mouth as a whisper but it was loud enough for him to snap out from our gazing contest and pull away. His hands vanished and I found myself once again falling but this time I didn't fall into a comfortable, warm, safe pair of arms. It was the hard wooden seat of what I considered a poorly constructed boat.

"Watch it would you" I groaned, rubbing my aching lower back as I glared up at him. Seems Mr Grumpy was back in full force. I couldn't help but think I'd done something wrong but I couldn't think what. He silently sat beside me, refusing to meet my gaze as he stared at the little island that seemed to be bursting full of green life.

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