C.C. Makes Her Move.

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Pietro didn't welcome the news about Ned nicely. She wasn't expecting him to get upset, so the girl got a little defensive.

"It's not a big deal, not like Copycat's a public figure anyway, basically it was the same as if they'd discover I cosplay as a freaking Teletubbie."

"Ned didn't only find out about you, did he? Peter's identity got compromised and he told Ned I'm not really your brother and you told him my real name's Pietro!" He scowled. "If he speaks we're gonna get in trouble—"

"He'd rather die than disappoint Peter," C.C. grabbed her backpack along with Pietro's. "And no one knows I was with Peter last night so I just have to follow orders for real this time. Now can we please go to school?"

"If Ned puts one foot out of line, I'll drag his ass around the school. Full speed."

"Talking about people stepping out of line," She commented. "Has MJ mentioned Flash Thompson?"


"Do you know him too?"

"Yeah, we met. I stole his shield."

"What?" Ned whispered in awe.

"It's not that hard, I used to do it all the time during training..." She added.

Their Coach had put one of those motivational videos Steve had recorded for schools, so they were now talking about their past encounters with the hero. 

"I wonder if they paid him to do these, I wouldn't have made it for free," C.C. tilted her head. "They're dumb."

Fifteen minutes later, MJ and C.C. were up on the stands completely ignoring the stuff they were meant to be doing, the tall girl was telling her about the book she was currently reading and she seemed really excited about it when Ned's voice interrupted:

"Peter knows Spider-man!" 

Both girls looked at the source of the sound, Peter was pale and his mouth was open in shock.

"Oh, no..." She grimaced.

"Uh— no, I don't!" He stood up, walking towards a group of kids. "No. I-I mean—"

"They're friends," Ned insisted.

"Ned— cut it out!" C.C. sprung to her feet, mouthing threats to her friend and jumping over seats to get to them. 

"Yeah, like coach Wilson and Captain America are friends, heh," Flash approached too. 

"I-I've met him a couple times, yeah. A couple of times— through C.C!"

"Don't drag me into this!" She whispered angrily.

Peter placed her behind him and continued to ramble an explanation to Liz.

"But it's— um... more like the Stark Internship— I'm not really supposed to talk about it," The boy looked over his shoulder at Ned, scolding him with a look. 

"Well, that's awesome," Flash replied. "Hey, you know what? Maybe you should invite him to Liz's party, right?"

"Yeah! I'm having people over tonight, you're more than welcome to come. I invited your brother, C, but I thought you wouldn't like to go since Sally will be there..."

"Ah, yeah I'm not interes—"

"You're having a party?" Peter interrupted in awe.

"Yeah, it's gonna be dope," Flash intervened. "You should totally invite your personal friend Spider-man... and I'll be looking forward to seeing you there too, C."

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