C.C.'s Death.

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Only three of them made it out alive from Titan. 

Nebula was the name of the lady cyborg, and she was kinda nice. A little rough around the edges, but so was C.C. during her first years at S.H.I.E.L.D so she wasn't going to judge her.

She wasn't doing anything, actually, all her energy had drained out of her body. The first night she was expecting to wake up in Happy's apartment, only to find out it'd been one of her crazy nightmares, sometimes those were a little too vivid, but C.C. waited in vain. 

Day after day she watched Tony record videos for Pepper, he asked if she wanted to record one, for whoever was left on earth worried about her. C.C. said no.

She wasn't angry at him, she just didn't know how to act. She knew she was supposed to be grieving, but for that, she had to tell herself Peter was gone. She didn't see the point in causing herself a greater pain if she was going to die soon. It was only a matter of time.

One night, the girl ran into Nebula gently laying the man on one of the piloting chairs. Her stomach sank, Tony'd been unable to walk or move around for days, so then maybe...

"He's just sleeping," The woman told her. "He's resting."

"You're not really the emotional type, are you?"

Nebula tilted her head. "Emotions never were of use for me."

She sat on the little step behind Tony's chair. 

"I used to think that people dying wasn't a bad thing. I think I was too immature to understand... they're hoping a better world will come out of their sacrifice."

"What happens if they die and nothing changes?"

"It wouldn't be their fault, it'd be on us for letting it happen," C.C. frowned. "I used to be really good at fighting, but it'd been so long since I last trained... I was too happy to think about that, Peter and I..."

"The other kid that was with you?"


"Was he close to you?"

"He..." She cleared her throat. "Yes."

"I lost my family too," Nebula sat next to her. "If you could call it that... my sister, Gamora..."

"Quill's girl?"

"My sister," Nebula corrected. "We weren't close. I will always regret not being able to make good memories with her. You and the boy, at least you got to spend time with him."

"I was promised six years," She replied quietly. "I only got two."

"It's more than some of us get."

Anger was bubbling inside her, she was more than ready to fight the cyborg when a bright yellow light covered the front of the ship.

"What is that?" Nebula inquired. 

A blond woman was floating outside their ship, C.C. stepped back in alert, a low growl coming from deep within her out of pure instinct. 

"I know exactly who that is."


C.C. was deadly quiet the whole ride, she curled up on a chair and waited until Captain Danvers placed them on solid ground outside the Avengers compound. She helped Nebula carry Tony, Steve Rogers was the first to run towards them. 

"Couldn't stop him," Tony mumbled. 

"Neither could I..."

"Hang on..." Tony stopped, he looked Steve in the eye. "I lost the kid." 

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