𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 𝟜

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~~~ Recap  ~~~

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Bakugou was; stunned, he wanted to be a hero once? He wanted to save people, but something led him down the wrong path.

Now he wanted to know everything about this guy, he kept getting a funny feeling in his chest, perhaps it was his determination to figure this guy out. Switching off the light he made his way back to bed.

All night he replayed what the male said in his head, over and over, not realizing he fell asleep with the villain on his mind.

Was he feeling determination to figure out the guy's backstory, or perhaps....something more?

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~~~ Present ~~~

Shoto woke up a little later than he would have liked. Looking at the clock he had on the stand it read.

8 : 5 6 am

Groaning he got up, changing clothes into a black turtleneck and black tracksuit pants. Patting down his hair and putting in all his ear piercings he made his way over to the small gap in the wall, placing his hands inside the cuffs lowered and locked around his hands. Placing his slippers on he opened the door.

Making his way down stairs he could hear some commotion coming from the common area, good thing there was noise, he kinda forgot the way.

Last night he had to use his sixth sense to find his way to the kitchen. Standing in the doorway, leaning his arm on the frame he observed the situation.

"-hole in the wall, i cannot stress this enough with keeping the dorm clean and tidy, so whoever caused it please raise your hand." Iida said, doing his chopping hands with a few extra movements.

"It was there this morning, kero." Tsu said, from the table she was sitting at with Uraraka.

"Maybe it's been there a while and we only just noticed it." Kamianri said, from the kitchen. Accompanied by kirishima, sero and bakugou.

"Now way would it have missed Iidas eyesight, he misses nothing." Kirishima said. Leaning his back to the bench.

"Hey, who ate my lunch!?" called Sero, looking around the room as he noticed the container wasn't in there.

Shotos eyes lit up, so he's the chef. Pushing himself off the wall he stomped towards the ink haired male. The group now taking notice of his presence, watching as he had a clear goal for the teen in the kitchen. Grabbing the male by his collar, staring closely into him, not peeping a word.

The group was scared as to what he was going to do to their friend. "Shoto, please remo-" Iida started before the male spoke over him.

"You made the soba," he said, almost like a question but not quiet.

"I-i-, uh." the male stuttered, he's never being this close to a villain, so of course he was shitting his pants.

"Did you make the soba or not?" he asked this time, demanding an answer, shaking him slightly.

"Y-yes." he squealed out, shutting his eyes.

"Shoto, remove yourself from our classmate, you're scaring him." Iida waved, trying to push them apart.

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