𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 𝟞

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~~~ Recap  ~~~

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"Who says I get nightmares?."

"The noises I heard next door, unless that was something else?" He raised his eyebrows giving a knowing look.

"Whatever noises you were hearing are neither." He responded.

"It was a joke." He said bluntly.

"Next time don't sound so serious and smile a little then I'll understand." He rolled his eyes, closing the door to him.

Sho smiled to himself, he wasn't one when it came to making jokes, but now that he has people to talk to, maybe he can try working on them. Just not related to homicide.

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~~~ Present ~~~

It was now Monday in the dorms, Sunday was a boring day for Shoto as he spent the whole time in his room. He didn't want to make the group uncomfortable with his presents, though he did hear a lot of noise so they were obviously doing something of entertainment.

But now they were all getting ready for school, he was in the kitchen drinking an apple fizzy drink he's taking a liking to. Watching all the students in their uniforms gathering their supplies they'll need for the day.

"Hey, wheres m-, Shoto, that's my drink you have." He heard Midoriya say beside him, glancing at him as he was taking a sip, pulling it away as he looked at it.

"I didn't see your name on it." He said.

Midoryia approached him, taking the can which surprised him, as the male spun it around. "Yes it is, when I put it in last night I wrote my name on it, have you been taking them this whole time?" He asked.

Shoto always thought that was the design on the can with the cool black ink symbol drawn on the front. "I-I never took the time to look at it properly." He said, stuttering slightly.

" I think we need to teach you to respect others' property." Midoryia said, giving the can back.

He was slightly shocked, he used to just—take what he wanted, being around people all the time was starting to give him a headache.

"So, yaomomo. Do you want to go to the mall this afternoon?." He heard one of the girls ask. Looking at the tall raven haired girl.

"I would love to, I need some new clothes as they're getting quite tight for me now." He heard the female respond to her friend. The two smiling at each other.

He smiled to himself, they seemed close and friendly, until that moment was shut down to a mumble he heard.

"Does that mean yaoyorozu's boobs have gotten bigger, I knew they did, but why must she buy looser ones when the tight ones are perfect." He raised a brow, catching the short purple head leaning on the wall. Seeing the two girls tense and the utter discomfort on their faces.

"The perv." he mumbled to himself. Skulling his drink, slamming it down. "Mineta, right?." He asked rhetorically, his eyes closed softly, his expression slack, hearing the chatter in the common room come to a stop. "Tell me." He said, looking at him. The purple midget with slightly widened eyes. "Does grape juice taste as good as it sounds?." He asked, a smirk grazing his features.

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