𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 𝟡

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(( Cause y'all seem to enjoy my art have some more but it's the last digital todoroki drawing I've done so I'll get started on some more for y'all

Also too this one is heaps older than the others so sad vibes ya know anyway back to the story

I apologise in advance for what your about to read, i struggled hard ))

~~~ Recap ~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~}>~<{ ~~~~~~~~~~~
"Okay, okay don't rush me." He said, he crouched down with his right hand on the floor, taking a deep breath in.

He could feel the cold mist leave his hand, slowly travelling along the floor before he raised his hand, feeling the solid ice below his feet and knees as he moved up slowly.

Opening his eyes he was about thirty centimeters off the ground, by an ice pillar. Looking at the shocked expression on the class's faces. But for a different reason.

"And what do you think you're doing?" He heard behind him.
~~~~~~~~~~~}>~<{ ~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~ Present ~~~


Shoto widened his eyes, turning around and seeing the familiar teacher with his arms folded. "Trying to escape?" He asked.

Sho jumped off his little pillar, waving his hands as he backed up. "No, no you got the wrong idea."

"We asked him to show us what he could do." Mina said from the couch.

"Yeah, we pushed Bakugou to take them off." Kaminari said.

Aziawa raised his hand, the students stopping their talk. "Save it, Bakugou give me the cuffs." He said, his hand outstretched as the ash blonde handed the cuffs to the adult.

Shoto sighed heavily, walking towards the male with his arms out, ready for the cuffs to be placed around his wrists.

Aziawa cuffed the male, "if you're patient enough the cuffs will come off and you won't have to hide your quirk." He said. Sho nodded.

"Don't beat yourself up, I'm not mad." He said. Shoto snapped his head up, his expression monotoned. "I heard shouting earlier and came when I had a break in marking."

Everyone avoided the adults' gaze, looking at the floor, walls, anything that wasn't the teacher. "Mind telling me what that was about?" He asked.


"Angered Kacchan as always with my mumbling, so he got angry at me." Midoryia said, interrupting Shoto. It was a private conversation that he and everyone else agreed, (with continuous nodding), that Aziawa doesn't need to know about. Lying was the best option.


"We stopped him before he used his quirk."

"No one was hurt."

Aziawa nodded his head, "alright then." He spoke. Heading for the door, "someone melt the ice please." He said as he closed the door behind him. Everyone letting out a long exhale.

"Why did you do that?." Shoto asked, looking at the floor, "why did you lie?"

"We've kept plenty of things from him." Mina said.

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