𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 𝟙𝟡

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~~~ Recap ~~~

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"Well, well," seeing a shadowy figure getting closer, before they came into view, wearing a dark red long sleeved button up shirt with a black vest over the top, long black pants, gloves over his fingers with perfect red and white hair.

"Icyhot?" Bakugou said, lowering his hands a bit, a shock expression on his face, was this part of the exam, not lying, he looked hot.

Shoto placed his hands in his pokers as he tilted his head to the side, "hello, kitty," he smiled, "to pass, all you have to do is capture me," he said softly, removing his hands as he held them out to the side.

The four stood in front of Midoriya who was still recovering from the blast, their hands ready, Kirishima's hardened, "wait we have to fight you?" Kaminari said in shock.

"Taking down a real villain, this will be fun," Bakugou grinned, licking his lips, "show me what you got, asshole," he said.

Shoto grinned, lifting his hand up as he pulled his sleeve back revealing his watch, sighing as he lowered his hand, "sorry Ruby, but my playtime is over," he smiled, before pulling up the gas mask they didn't take notice to around his neck, placing it around his mouth as he walked backwards into the dark alley.

The group raised a brow at his words, before a gas was seen surrounding them, they didn't have time to process before everything went black.

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~~~ Present ~~~


Bakugou didn't know what was going on, his head hurt so much, his eyes felt open but it was still so dark; darkness that made him a bit fearful.

Before a loud bang was heard making him jump a bit, he heard a few yells and gasps before brightness consumed him.

Shielding his eyes he blinked before he felt them relax, removing his hand he noticed him along with what seemed to be the rest of his class in a prison cell of some sort. Shit did he fail the exam?

Looking around he noticed Aziawa and Mic were both in there with him, glaring at the bars, following their glance, he raised to his feet, his arms out in front of him. Seeing the unmistakable trade mark hand over the blue haired villains face.

He noticed Toga close to Midoryia and Uraraka, smiling psychotically, Dabi and compress behind Shigaraki with their arms crossed, "well I'd say we've hit the jackpot," Shigiraki said as he scratched his neck slowly.

"How did you get in here?" Aziawa said as he tried to use his quirk, only to find it wasn't working.

"Don't waste your time, the gas was a quirk cancelling, your quirks are disabled for a few hours," twice said, "yeah take that heroes!"

"We had a little help," shigiraki said, motioning over to the side, where everyone drew their glance too, only to see a cloud of smoke escape from behind the wall. Watching as a cigarette was placed on the ground and stomped on.

Turning the corner everyone gasped, bakugou felt his heart shatter to pieces, walking towards them with no expression was shoto, his partner and friend, "T-todoroki-kun?" Midoriya stuttered.

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