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Chloe sat in home farm and sighed as she looked to her phone as it rang. She looked to see it was cain and ignored the call. Chloe sighed as she looked to the phone and sighed.

"Why are you avoiding him" grace asked as she walked in behind her sister Chloe looked to her and sighed

"he told me that he loved me and it freaked me out I mean I don't know what to do with that. I mean I dint even know how i feel over it over him. I know he is a good man but I feel so torn over everything and i have just how surgery and I don't know what to think" Chloe said as grace looked to her sister and smiled

"I know it's scary. I know it's hard for you to open up your heart and admit how you feel cain has been there for you and i can see how much that he loves you" grace said as Chloe looked to her sister and smiled.

Chloe knew that it was a mess as she knew just how much that it scared her. Chloe knew that the thought over falling in love terrified her more than she'd admit and she didn't know how to handle it all, it was big for her
Chloe sat in her room and smiled as she saw Kim as she wakes on

"how are you feeling" Kim asked as Chloe smiled

"I'm okay I'm still a little tired but I'm okay" Chloe said as Kim smiled

"that's good I thought that we could talk" Kim said as Chloe looked to her and frowned. Chloe knew that it was hard for them both lately and she didn't want to know what Kim was thinking

"what is it" Chloe asked as Kim looked to her daughter and smiled

"I thought that we could talk over you going back to school in a few weeks I know your not ready yet but soon I mean you have been through a lot and I just don't want you to fall behind" Kim said as Chloe looked to her and frowned.

Chloe knew how she would have to go back to school eventually but she hated it. She was so far behind she didn't think lakes ever catch up and it made her feel like can idiot for it and she hated it

"I don't know" Chloe said as Kim looked to her and smiled

"just think over it it won't be for a whole just yet" Kim said as Chloe looked to her and nodded

Chloe walked through the village and smiled as she saw cain. He looked to her and smiled

"you have been avoiding me" he said as she nodded

"I have and I'm sorry I freaked out over what you said" Chloe as cain smiled

"when I said I loved you as i meant it and oak not going to let you push me away over it" he said as she smiled

"I'm not but I'm also not ready to say it back either" she said as he pulled her close and smiled

"that's fine with me" he said as he leant in and kissed her unaware how their relationship was about to become tested

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