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Chloe sat in the hotel room and sighed. Cain was out and he had been out all day. Chloe sighed as she heard a knock at the door. She gathered that it was Cain.

She stood up and answered the door as she saw Graham. She went to slam the door but he fought his way in. She looked to him and glared "get out of here Graham. How did you know where I was"

"you used your mothers credit card, now come in. You are coming home with mum, your mother is going mad looking for you" Graham said as Chloe looked to him and glared

"no, I am not. I'm not going anywhere. She doesn't want me, she just wants grace I am not wanted and I won't go back there" Chloe said as she went to walk off. Graham looked to her and rolled her eyes

"your not staying here" Graham said as Chloe looked to him and sighed

"yeah I am, go. There's no point in you being here. I am stopping here" Chloe said as graham looked to her and rolled his eyes. He knew Chloe was as stubborn as Kim was and he couldn't only deal with one tate right now

"you think I am giving you a choice. Get your stuff" Graham said as Chloe rolled her eyes

"fine, we will do this the hard way" graham said as he grabbed Chloe.

He picked her up over his shoulder and carried her to the car, she was kicking and screaming against him. He dropped her into the back of the car

"let go off me you complete arse" she spat as graham rolled his eyes as he looked to her

"stay here" he said as he locked the car. Chloe groaned to herself as she went to find her phone in her back pocket and groaned as she realised that graham had taken it. She groaned to herself as she tried t o get out of the car but she couldn't. She knew it was no use, she knew what he was doing, she knew he was getting her stuff and taking her back to Kim.

Chloe didn't want to go back to the place that she felt second best too. Chloe ran a hand through her hair and sighed as she looked to graham as he walked back and dumped her stuff in the passenger seat. Chloe looked to him and glared

"everyone has been worried over you" graham said as Chloe rolled her eyes

"that's unlikely" Chloe said as graham started to drive off. Chloe knew that Kim was going to kill her for running off and she didn't care. Chloe didn't want to be somewhere that she wasn't wanted

Chloe got back to home farm and glared as she walked into the house, she saw Kim who ran over to her and hugged her "I've been so worried" Kim said as Chloe looked to her and rolled her eyes

"of course you have"Chloe said as Kim looked t other and frowned

"I have, your my baby girl I want you here where I know where you are" Kim said

"I'm not grace, you want grace. She shouldn't even be her. She had a home, she was fostered and had a home, I had nothing when you were inside" Chloe said as Kim frowned


"no, just leave me alone" Chloe spat as she walked off to her room. Chloe lay on her bed as she pulled her pillow to her chest as she started to cry. She didn't even feel like this was her home anymore. All that she felt was that she was second best to grace and that she would always be. Chloe looked as grace walked in and smiled

"I'm sorry, I know you don't want me here. I didn't mean to make you feel unwanted, I just haven't felt wanted anywhere either and we are sisters and I really need to talk to somebody over something that happened" grace said as she handed Chloe her phone. Chloe smiled as she invited grace to sit on the bed

"what is it?"

"My teacher. He did something to me" grace said as Chloe looked to her and frowned

Chloe walked through home farm and sighed. She waled into the kitchen as she saw Kim "you and I are going to talk, I just need to take this call" Kim said as Chloe rolled her eyes. She looked as Kim walked out of the room and sighed.

Chloe spotted Kim's keys and smirked to herself as she grabbed them. She walked out of the back door and saw Kim's car and she got in. Chloe smirked to herself as she drove off.

Chloe felt alive for once. She drove towards the village. She didn't know how to drive but she can figured it out. Chloe cursed to herself as she saw a tractor come her way and went to avoid it only to go crashing off of the road and into a tree.

But was Chloe going to be okay? If so she wouldn't be once Kim got her hands on her.

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