2. Don't.

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TW: Suicide and Death with mentions of abuse & rape, proceed with caution.

Y/N stood on the edge of the bridge, tears streaming down their face as the wind howled throughout the darkness of this gloomy night. They have had enough of their short 17 year life, all the abuse, the rape, the heartbreak, they couldn't take it anymore. 

In the distance, E/N (Ex's name) was running up to them after receiving a concerning text from Y/N a few minutes prior. It had been months since they contacted each other especially after the breakup. They called out to Y/N, stopping a few meters away from them.

Y/N turned to meet E/N's eyes, tears streaming down their face even more. 

"How'd you know I'd be here ?" Y/N questioned, their voice breaking as they turned away.

"This was your favorite spot to go to whenever you were upset and receiving a text from you telling me that you'll love me no matter what happens and that it isn't my fault for what happened" E/N said softly and looked down, knowing what that text meant.

Y/N chuckled a little as more tears streamed down their face, "Why did you come here.. I didn't want you to find me.."

"Just get down from there and we can talk Y/N.." E/N said calmly, trying to coax Y/N down from the edge of the bridge.

"No, I'm done talking, talking isn't going to erase everything that's happened !" Y/N screamed and took a small step forward, leaving the balls of their feet of the ledge.

"Stop no, don't move." E/N exclaimed, taking a step forward but stopping when Y/N moved away. Panic washed across E/N's face when they saw that Y/N leaned forward a little.

"I'm sorry you had to see this my love.." Y/N whispered out, just loud enough for E/N to hear. Tears streamed down their face even more as they leaned forward even more and started falling.

"No!" E/N yelled as they ran forward, reaching out their arm wanting to grab Y/N's hand just as they fell into the rocky river below.

E/N screamed and ran as fast as they could to the bottom of the bridge, hoping they could find Y/N in the pitch dark river but not before contacting emergency services.

After searching for a good fifteen minutes, E/N finally found Y/N. As they walk up to the body, they couldn't help but scream, alerting the cops and paramedics on the bridge.

There laid Y/N's body, all covered in bruises caused by the rocks when the river pushed them against it. Their head had a huge blunt force trauma wound that was caused when their head hit the rocks before hitting the water.

E/N quickly kneeled down beside Y/N, hugging them tightly.

"Please.. don't leave me like this.. please god please no.." E/N cried out, almost begging for Y/N to come back even though they knew it was too late.

As the paramedics and cops ran towards them, E/N continued to hug Y/N whispering something into their lifeless body.

"Please.. I'm sorry mi amor, I still love you.."

Truth was, E/N had planned to ask Y/N to be their partner again later in the week because they realized that they still loved Y/N.


A/N: lol 2 months later finally new chapter. it's 5am, i need sleep and enjoy whatever this bs is cause i've reached a point in life where nothing is enjoyable to me anymore. mental illness am i right :)) yeah this is the new one shot, got lots going on right now, don't think i can have anything up anytime soon. i am sorry people.

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