7. Letters.

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TW: The first letter has mentions of abuse and alcoholism, proceed with caution

Y/N was sitting in the corner of their dark room. The room was a mess, it looked like it had been trashed and robbed with the furniture all over the place and items all over the floor.

In reality, the mess was made by Y/N. They went into an episode after what felt like their world crumbling down again. It had been a long week with the trial and friends leaving. They were drained, in even way possible.

They slowly got up, picked up their laptop that was thankfully not broken and turned it on. Y/N unlocked it and opened up their notes app and started typing their first letter.

Hi dad.
Are you happy now ?

You somehow managed to mess up my life even though you're not allowed around me anymore. I thought of you as my hero, the man that use to give in to me asking for McDonald's everyday after school knowing that there's food already waiting at home when you came to picked me up.

Then I find out the things you did to my sister, my favorite fucking sister, that made her move to get away from you. The image of you I had when I was younger was long gone. The supposed good dad that gave in to his child's every wish gone when one of the children he was abusing moved away. You obviously had to turn to me to let out your anger right ? You can't go to my brother cause he can fight back and my other sister is too young. But I can't complain much about it cause the stuff you did to me weren't as bad as what you did to my elder sister. You ruined this family and the fact that I still had to face you in fucking court today was just terrible but it's okay. You taught me that I had to forgive people and be the bigger person. Somehow I only just realize that you only taught me that just so I will forgive you for you being a fucking abusive alcoholic but it's all okay. The trauma I went through because of you is mostly gone now so it's all okay I suppose. It's funny cause I have the letters you wrote to me saying how much you love me and care for me but in reality none of those words are actually true. If you loved me, you wouldn't have done what you did. Everyone around me is asking me how I am and how I'm feeling about everything and the truth is, I feel nothing. Nothing for you at all. No anger, no sadness, definitely no happiness or forgiveness like you hoped. You are nothing to me now, and I genuinely hope I never have to see you again but if I do, I'll make sure you regret showing up.

Once Y/N was done with that letter, they took in a deep breath before moving on to the next letter, the second letter.

Hey you.

Yes you, silly. Hi there, you'll never ever see this but I wanted to write this down because you were once a very important person in my life and I think you deserve a letter even though it's a short one.

I know I pushed you away and burnt our bridge if you will but I want you to know that the 2 years of friendship that we had were the best, even though we had our moments. You were like a sister to me and I do mean it. All the jokes we made and me being like an annoying little sibling to you. Remember we had a plan or well a dumb idea of moving into a house together with the rest and me saying I refuse to be your roommate or that one time you killed a spider while we were on a call and I freaked out and said "spiders are living things too" then you went on to make fun of me about it ? Yeah those memories will stay with me for a long ass time. Funny thing about the spider story is I hate spiders, they give me the chills but it's still a funny story and I still stand by my "spiders are living things too" sentence.

I'm sorry I was a bitch to you and made you end our friendship like that. I take full responsibility for it even though I have people telling me that it wasn't solely my fault and that we were both at fault. I was in an awfully bad place and that is no excuse to have treated you the way I did. Trust me when I say that if I could go back in time, I would have been a much better friend. I never meant for it to be this way but I guess the world works in mysterious ways and I can't do anything to change it. I just want you to know that I wish you all the best in life and maybe somewhere out there in another life or another universe, we're still the closest of friends and I never messed up. Sometimes I do wish we were still friends or maybe one day can patch up cause I do miss you but I doubt we can patch things up now. You were my alien buddy and will always be even though we aren't friends anymore and I don't eat Nutella as much anymore. I miss you my friend and may your future be as bright as you were/are.

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