5. Sacrifice.

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TW: School Shooting, proceed with caution.

Y/N and S/O were walking down the halls, talking about how their summer went since Y/N travelled for the summer.

"Yeah Greece was beautiful, there were so many beautiful temples and monuments. It was gorgeous," Y/N beamed.

S/O smiled at Y/N's words. "I'm glad you had fun, darling."

"It would've been more fun if you were there, which reminds me. Would you like to go to Greece toget—"

Y/N's words were cut off by loud gun shots, causing all the students in the halls to panic and run.

S/O quickly grabbed Y/N's hand and rushed into a nearby empty classroom to hide.

"Baby.." Y/N started but got quickly shushed by S/O who had a worried look on their face.

Y/N, now tearing up, fearing what would happen since there was an active shooter in the building.

"Let's hide in the corner darling, next to the chairs," S/O whispered, leading Y/N to the corner to hide, hiding Y/N behind them.

Y/N curled up behind S/O, taking out their phones and texting their loved ones. S/O on the other hand, stayed alert to make sure Y/N was well hidden behind them in case the shooter came in.

Beads of sweat trailed down S/O's face as the sounds of gunshots got louder. Y/N now curling up even more, whispered a small "I love you" as the sound of the shooter trying to break in echos throughout the room.

The shooter had seen students running into classrooms and this classroom was one of the closer ones. Y/N was well hidden by the stack of chairs while S/O was slightly visible and they knew they had to protect Y/N.

There were other students hiding in the classroom as well, most of them texting their families and friends. S/O turned to face Y/N slightly and smiled.

"Mi Amor, I love you, don't ever forget that," S/O said teary-eyed as their voice quivered and kissed Y/N's forehead.

"I love you too baby.."

S/O kissed Y/N one last time before pulling away and looked towards the door.

"Te amo."

As the door opened, S/O pushed Y/N back and charged towards the door to tackle the shooter down.

The shooter gets tackled down, causing the gun to go off. The bullets hit someone.

S/O turns around and their heart breaks. It was Y/N. Standing there, their shirt slowly getting soaked with blood from where the bullet hit.

Y/N smiled as their hand touched their wound, their legs feeling weak as they fell to their knees.

All S/O wanted to do was run to Y/N but they knew that they had to get the shooter sorted first. With the anger they felt, S/O turned back around and started punching the shooter with everything they got in them.

The shooter struggled then fell limp as S/O's fist were covered in blood. The shooter looked unrecognisable, their face was smashed in. After S/O realised that the shooter was unconscious, they quickly ran to Y/N who was barely hanging on.

S/O immediately pulled Y/N into their arms as they took in shallow breaths. Y/N knew they weren't gonna make it as they gave S/O a small smile, opening their mouth to speak.

"Shhh.. Don't speak love, you gotta save your energy.." S/O whispered as tears rolled down their face. "You'll be okay.."

As the police sirens were heard in the background, the light from Y/N's eyes seemed to falter. S/O held onto Y/N's hand and Y/N seemed to smile.

"I-I love.. y-you..." Y/N stuttered causing S/O to smile and cry while mouthing it back to them and nodding.

S/O knew deep down that Y/N was not going to make it but still held out hope that they might, whispering sweet nothings into their ear, praying to whoever was up there to help.

The sound of the swat team entering the building could be heard and for a second, S/O had hope but as they looked down at Y/N, that hope disappeared in an instant. The light that once filled Y/N's eyes was gone.


A/N: uhhh so obviously i've never been in this situation. the plot twist was fun to write since i'm pretty sure everyone expected S/O to die but they didn't. okay bye.

was this based of the line "consuming all the air inside my lungs, ripping all the skin from off my bones. I'm prepared to sacrifice my life, I would gladly do it twice" ? yes.


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