8. Nobody.

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Gender-specific Best friend [B/F/N]
Gender-specific Y/N
Both female.

Y/N was sitting in the living room when the doorbell went off. She got up to open the door to find that it was B/F/N. She smiled and moved aside to let her in which B/F/N gladly did. Immediately after B/F/N walked in, she lets Y/N close the behind her before pinning Y/N to the door and kissing her neck. 

Y/N frowned and tried to push B/F/N away. She had gone no contact for weeks now and all of a sudden she was back and trying to do something with Y/N. B/F/N continued to try to kiss Y/N and feel her up despite Y/N's protests.

Y/N used all the strength she could master to push B/F/N away, accidentally pushing her into the coffee table.

"What the actual fuck ?" B/F/N spat out.

"You don't get to say that. You go missing for weeks then come back all of a sudden only to pin me against the door to try to fuck me ?!" 

B/F/N rolled her eyes. "I don't have to tell you my where abouts yknow."

"Doesn't mean you can just go missing and waltz right in here to fuck me."

"You smiled and let me in, did you not ?" B/F/N got up and dusted herself off.

"Yeah cause I thought you came to hang out and explain why you disappeared for weeks."

"Stop being dramatic, it's not like we're dating."

Y/N bit her lip. She would be lying if she said it didn't hurt to hear that but B/F/N was right, they weren't dating but Y/N had developed feeling for B/F/N and was building up the courage to tell her.

Up till a couple of weeks ago, B/F/N had been  so affectionate with Y/N which made her develop feelings for the other girl, which she thought was mutual. Then B/F/N just disappears and doesn't reply a single message from Y/N which inevitably broke Y/N's heart.

 "Still would've been nice to have gotten a reply.." Y/N mumbled out.

"Well I don't owe you a reply." B/F/N said after hearing Y/N.

"But it still would've been nice to get one.."

"Stop going on about it, you don't own me."

Y/N breathed out. "What am I to you exactly ?"

"What ?"

"What am I to you ? You fuck me, become all affectionate and stuff then go missing for weeks without a trace"

"Okay and ?"

"So, what am I ? cause it's starting to feel like I'm only here at your disposal."

"Omg you're insane"

"Am I though ? Am I just your little play thing ? For when you're sad and alone ?"

"Okay what the actual fuck. It was a mistake to come here" B/F/N scoffed

"Oh a mistake, that's nice" Y/N laughed emotionlessly which only seemed to make B/F/N mad.

"Fine, you want to know what you are to me ?" B/F/N spat. "You're nothing to me, you're right. You are just a little play thing for me. Not because I'm sad and lonely but because you're so easy to get, to use, to trick. Who in their right mind would want someone as pathetic as you anyways."

That caused Y/N's heart to drop. She felt sick to her stomach as tears stung her eyes.

"Get out." Y/N said, rather calmly. It was the only thing she could manage to get out.

"What ?"

"Get out before I do something I'll definitely regret."

"You're insane."

"Get out and never come back. Never contact me ever again"

"Fine be like that." B/F/N rolled her eyes. "Don't come crawling back to me asking for a good time"

"Get. Out." Y/N screamed, throwing the first thing she could grab which was a glass vase, causing B/F/N to quickly get her stuff and run out the door.

After the door closed, that was when Y/N finally broke. The tears that stung her eyes started streaming down her face as she broke out into another scream. It hurt to hear B/F/N say those things which made her feel like the things that were said were real.

Y/N couldn't help but start sobbing, she fell to the ground and pulled her knees to her chest. Maybe she was just.. nothing. Just a play thing that's easy to get, to use.. Maybe B/F/N was right.


A/N: I wonder what kind of psychopath thought of this chapter. 🤔

-cass :)

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