November 5th, 2021
Hex hadn't been in school all week, although Bonez could have sworn they saw him standing on the sidewalk by their homeroom class every morning. He looked terrified. Annie, Bonez and Armando decided to practice without him, not wanting to waste any time on his absence. After practice, Annie and Armando walked home together, living in the same direction. Bonez took the school bus home, finding Hex out cold on the porch of their apartment. They picked him up gently and carried him inside, laying him down on their bed.
"Mmm..Bonez...." Hex groaned out softly. Bonez's nose scrunched up at the smell of Hex's breath.
"I'm here...God you smell horrible..." Bonez spoke softly. Hex slowly began to wake up, rubbing his eyes.
"You weren't home yet so I waited...must've fallen asleep.." Hex yamned and groaned at the sharp sting on his lip " mouth taste like an ashtray and nightmares..." he slammed his face down onto the pillow, groaning softly. Bonez rubbed his back gently and helped him get up, taking him to their bathroom. They took a black and green toothbrush from the cabinet and some charcoal toothpaste, sitting Hex down on the bathroom counter and brushing his teeth for him. Hex closed his eyes and allowed Bonez to help him before getting carried back to bed.
"Did you get kicked out for the night again...?" Bonez asked, sitting beside Hex in bed. Hex nodded a bit and let out a pained sigh.
"I didn't even do anything...I got home and he and his stupid friends were gambling and drinking...he made me do stupid bullshit to entertain them...I refused to go on after a while so he told me not to come home till Sunday..." Hex sighed and looked up at Bonez "What did I do wrong..."
"Maybe instead of feeling sorry for yourself, you should try apologising to the people you've hurt..." Bonez spoke, without looking at Hex. Hex quickly sat up.
"The people I've hurt? Who have I hurt?" Bonez rolled his eyes and looked at Hex.
"Annie. Armando. Me. You hurt people without even realising it because of the bullshit you deal with at home and school. But that doesn't make it right. So I'm telling you now. You hurt people who love you, who want to be around you and you even hurt the people who barely know you." Hex looked down and thought back, realising everything.
"Oh..oh God...I told her she was short...I called Armando pathetic and a faggot..God, fuck, I deserved that slap..." He covered his face and sighed. "I'll be at school tomorrow and I'll apologise...can I stay here till I'm allowed back into my house...?"
" know where all your stuff is and the rules.." Bonez sighed softly "Go back to sleep Hex.."