Chapter 6- Shall we dance?

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Wels took Jevin's hand and the two stepped into the ball, followed by the others.

"You shall each be paired up randomly. On the dining table will be a card with your own and someone else's name, who will be your dance partner."

None of his friends made a move, so Mumbo gulped and hesitantly approached the table. He scanned the cards until he spotted one with his name on it and flipped it over to see who he had been paired up with.

He put the card down and faced the others, specifically Grian, "Uh, Grian, you're my partner."

Grian looked a bit surprised. He took a step down to the table, and the two left to the dance floor both with a visible blush on their faces.

Ren skipped over to the dining table, with a hint of excitement to find out who he'd been paired with. He grabbed the card with his name on it, pausing for a moment before smirking. He ran over to the others and grabbed Bdubs' hand, and led him to the dance floor.

Wels went next. He flipped the card over, his face lighting up. He and Jevin entered the dance floor together.

The rest approached the table together, except for Tango, who waited behind. False picked up the card with her name on it and glanced at Cleo, giggling with an eye roll. The two joined the others on the dance floor.

Stress looked back at Tango, they were probably dance partners as they were the last remaining. Just to be sure, she checked her card and sure enough, his name was written on the back of it.

Tango hesitantly took a step forward, being cautious for any hidden traps. He finally made his way to Stress, who whispered something into his ear he quite didn't catch before patting him on the back as if to comfort him and leading him into the dance room.

She kind of pushed him inside before looking back, scanning the empty area, looking a bit worried. Tango thought nothing of it and admired the ballroom.

Right as he took a step on the shiny floor, the speakers turned on. A slow, eerie melody began to play as each pair began to dance.

False and Cleo weren't taking it seriously, their dance was filled with jokes and giggles. Tango had no troubles with the slow dance, but Stress was struggling because she was more hip hop than formal when it came to dancing, everyone knows she's the queen of breakdancing.

Mumbo and Grian were having quite the scene, it was romantic. Some time into the dance, they had gotten carried away and almost ended up in a kiss. Were they falling for each other? I think we all know the answer by now.

Bdubs was struggling, like really badly, but luckily he had one of the best dancers with him. Ren basically carried the entire thing.

Wels was flirting with Jevin the majority of the time, but the slime hadn't taken the hint and thought he was fooling around, so he laughed. Wels thought he had gotten friendzoned so he shut up the rest of the dance.

As time passed, the music slowly sped up. It wasn't too bad at first, but around twenty minutes later, the hermits were exhausted by the non-stop dancing, but what could they do about it? They basically sucked it up for another ten minutes, which was when the voice came back.

"You may now take a seat at the dining table, for the feast to begin!"

A break, nice. The group seated themselves around the dining table, each staring at the feast before them. Who'd be stupid enough to take a bite?

Well, Grian didn't think twice before he grabbed a cookie. It was just a cookie after all. As he was about to eat it, Mumbo stopped him.

"Don't eat that, I have a bad feeling about it–"

He glanced around hesitantly before turning back to Grian, who just smiled at him. "Mumbo, don't worry, it's just a cookie."

He proceeded to eat it much to his friend's dismay. Across from him on the table, Cleo and Tango refused to even touch anything. Ren didn't even care and just decided to dig in, he supposed they'd need the energy, but everyone else was just too paranoid to see that, right?

Bdubs had already drifted to sleep, leaning against his dance partner. Who could blame him, they had been dancing for a while.

Wels and Jevin stayed silent as Cleo and Stress had a discreet conversation. Beside them was False, who grabbed an apple and tossed it around before biting into it. It was good at first, but then it tasted a bit weird, a bitter taste of sorts.

It was quiet, until two ear piercing screams could be heard.

a/n: no grian and scar aren't in a relationship, I changed that because I wanted to add a bit of grumbo in lol-

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2022 ⏰

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