Chapter 14

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"Hello, hello, come in!" A woman with long hair and an airy voice said, smiling at Momo and the three boys. She and Momo looked very similar, so much so that one would guess they were siblings if you didn't know better.

"Thank you for having us." Harry said, feeling a little embarrassed, hovering with his legs at a slightly awkward angle, going first and trying to make sure that he didn't hit anything.

"Trust me, it's our pleasure, I love having guests over." Momo's mum said, beaming at the boys as they passed her into the hall where a man with very thin grey hair, the top of his head bald and his eyes closed with a smile that looked like it never left his face.

"Mum," Momo said firmly, looking at her mother in a way that seemed like she was almost afraid of something. "Please tell me you didn't do any cooking for them."

"Momo, the food I cook is made to be perfect for the needs of the people and the situation, like when you invited your friends over to study, I made brain food." Momo's mother said, as Dudley and Luke sidled past the two women, feeling rather awkward.

"Mum! Did you try what you made!? Do you ever try the food you make before serving?" Momo asked, looking desperate, making Luke feel a sense of foreboding.

The man who had been waiting with them for Momo and her mother to stop talking and lead them to where they were supposed to do gestured for the three boys to follow him and leave the women to their argument, his eyes now open to show that they were a dark grey, but they had a twinkle of kindness that was almost reminiscent of Dumbledore, but somehow felt more real. When you were with Dumbledore it never felt like the twinkle in his eyes was forced or fake or anything less than love and kindness for the person he was looking at, but now it was compared to this man who had little reason to not be hostile towards them, Harry couldn't help but realise how malicious Dumbledore's eyes really were.

"I'll take you all to the ground floor living room." He said once they had turned the corner, Harry flying very slowly to avoid knocking anything over. He didn't think he would be able to afford anything in the house, especially given together they only had £10 and a handful of galleons.

"If you don't mind me asking, what were they talking about?" Dudley asked, both him and Luke walking in front of Harry as it was easier for them to walk faster than Harry.

"Madam Yaoyorozu likes to make food whenever we have guests." He said, bowing as he gestured to the open door, the room inside looking comfortable.

"I don't see the problem with that." Luke said, brows furrowed as he and Dudley took their seats, Harry trying to get into the room without knocking anything over, unfortunately there were fragile looking items by the door on both sides, and the angle best for Harry's legs was too wide for the door.

"The combinations are often ones that only the madam would think of, and thought is rarely given to the taste." The man said with a slight cough, Harry managing to have gotten into the room, and sitting on the surprisingly soft sofa.

"I'm sorry," Harry said, looking up at the man who was still standing, hands behind his back in an attentive position. "I don't think I got your name."

"I am Tanaka, the butler here." He said with another bow.

"I'm Harry Potter, call me whatever you want. That's my cousin Dudley," Harry gestured to Dudley with his whole hand. "Luke is his boyfriend."

"Pleasure to meet you all." Tanaka said with another bow.

"Likewise." Luke said, bobbing his head in a way somewhat similar to a bow, but less than half hearted.

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