Chapter 15

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The next morning they were walking to UA, as Momo apparently lived pretty locally, and Harry's legs were feeling much better thanks to what Momo had given him. Talking to Dudley and Luke behind Momo as she led the way Harry was able to confirm that they had indeed gotten room that were large enough to be a small house.

Momo lived in a very quiet area, but then again, Harry wasn't sure how much of the place belonged to her, or just all looked similar. There were still some people around, and Harry thought he heard footsteps behind them, but UA seemed to be a rather pricy school to attend, and this seemed to be a pricey area, so it made sense that people would be going to UA.

Harry was walking at the back of the group, and vaguely felt like he was tapped on the shoulder, when suddenly he couldn't feel anything. For a moment he could see the floor getting closer, but his eyes closed and he was left in numb darkness.

"Hey, what are you doing!?" Harry heard Momo yell, sounding panicked, and further away from Harry then he remembered her being, and it definitely wasn't long enough for her to have gotten that far away given they weren't walking that quickly.

Harry couldn't respond, and he wasn't sure if he was the one being asked, if Momo was asking him what he was doing why would she sound so scared? Harry heard loud footsteps, and a yell from Dudley, before Harry couldn't hear anything properly.

Harry was completely numb, couldn't see anything, and now couldn't hear anything either. He felt like he was floating in a warm pool in a dark room.

It was oddly comfortable.


Momo was leading the group to the school, with a little light chatter between it, when she realised that Harry hadn't said anything and was behind them. She turned around to ask him if his legs were feeling okay, when she saw Harry hanging from the hand of a large person whose hair covered their face.

"Hey! What are you doing!?" Momo yelled, her voice shrilled as she felt like it was going cold. She wasn't anywhere near as good at fighting as the rest of 1-A and she didn't know what to do.

At her fearful face and words, Dudley and Luke also turned around to look at Harry, Momo blocked out the words they were saying as she tried to figure out what to do. Before she had spoken she guessed it was possible for Harry to have had some kind of health issue and pass out only for a stranger to catch him, but the chances of that were getting ever slimmer.

Before Momo could do anything to get Harry back, he was gone from the stranger's hands. Momo stepped in front of Luke and Dudley, putting her arm out in an attempt to get them to stay behind her and as a flimsy attempt to shield them if the person went after the two of them too. At the same time Momo was looking around, trying to see if she could spot Harry.

Momo guessed she should never have asked to take them home with her, they had been brought to this world by a villain, it was possible they had gotten the wrong place to send them to, so they would be targets for villains. She was only a first year, and she also made the stupid idea to walk, meaning they didn't even have the protection of being inside a vehicle which allowed this to happen.

"We're not here to hurt you." The person said, their voice so soft Momo almost missed their words, stepping back as they stepped forwards.

"No, you're only using quirks illegally and kidnapping a 13 year old." Momo said coldly, glaring at the person and trying to maintain the distance between them, the use of 'we' worried Momo, she could only see one person, but now it sounded like there were more people.

"..... Helping... Victims..." Momo heard only part of the mumbled sentence said as the person started advancing more quickly towards them.

"Uh, Yaomomo..." Dudley said, pulling the clothing on her shoulder to get her attention, Momo looking at him at a glance, and realising that there was someone else behind her who also seemed hostile. That person had three headphones on a belt.

Momo chewed her lip, the people on both sides were approaching them, and she still didn't know where Harry was, she only hoped he was alright, and what she needed to do right now was to get them out of this situation, and inform Aizawa.

"When I say so, run." Momo whispered to Luke and Dudley, trying to keep her lips as still as possible to prevent lip reading as she tried to recall the make up of a smoke bomb.

Momo kept a hand on Dudley's shoulder, making sure to keep both people at least vaguely in sight as she made the smoke bomb, trying to keep as much distance between the three of them and the two strangers she could only assume were villains.

"Now!" Momo yelled, throwing the smoke bomb down, filling a small area with a thick smoke, Momo running into the road that was almost always empty, keeping her firm grip on Dudley's shoulder, reaching her other hand for Luke too, pushing the two of them in front of her, the smoke quickly dissipating.

Momo barely managed to get three steps away from their starting position when the person who had been in front of them grabbed her arm, her body instantly numbing. It started feeling like her body was like jelly, and as her eyelids closed with her having no ability to keep them open she saw Dudley and Luke stopping and turning to face her as she collapsed. She wanted to tell them to keep sunning, but that wasn't possible, she couldn't move anything, and couldn't even feel her body anymore.

"Yaoyorozu?" Momo heard Aizawa's voice, Dudley and Luke trying to explain what was going on at the same time, making it all but impossible to understand before the world was heavily muffled, and then noises so quiet Momo could barely discern them.

It was impossible to tell if or when she fell asleep, with little to no input from the outside world all that there was for her to do was to let her mind wander and her imagination to run wild.

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