Chapter 16

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Aizawa was getting the last things ready for the lesson before he got a call from Yaoyorozu, as she was the person taking care of the Brits, he immediately answered, but what he heard sounded like a fight. He called out her name, but got no response, hearing Dudley yell something, before the noise stopped, and Aizawa heard the phone being picked up and the call ended.

They had been kidnapped.

Aizawa immediately called it in, all he could do was pray that it hadn't been the League of Villains that took them. It seemed every time they met that group they had different members, who knew if they were capable of controlling a person's thoughts now? He just hoped they weren't in too much danger, especially given Potter's difficulty walking.


"How are they?" A tall person with a mess of brown hair and square glasses that caught the light with every step asked, looking over a clipboard as they waited for a response from the long blue haired person sitting by Harry's bed where he slept.

"My quirk says that while they're traumatised, likely experiencing multiple life threatening events, since a short while ago they seem to be getting proper help, I don't think there's any current mistreatment." They said, looking over the chart they made with their quirk.

"That's good, wait for them to wake up and you can ask if they want any of our help or not. What about the other 3?" The first person asked again, looking at the other three beds in the room, containing Momo, Dudley, and Luke sleeping with thin curtains separating them.

"The oldest seems to have a lot of trauma and self inflected inferiority, but doesn't seem to be in any danger, and it doesn't look like it's coming from home. The other two are where it gets difficult. I honestly can't tell if it's that they were abused and traumatised and recently got away from it, or if they're still in a traumatising environment." The blue haired person said, looking over the charts.

"I guess we were wrong about this group, it's still best to keep an eye on those two though, they might need us." The brown haired one said with a sigh, pinching their nose as they looked at the room. Usually they got it right, finding and saving people being deliberately traumatised, but not this time, and it caused more trouble than usual.

"They all have more than a small amount of trauma, and while the oldest has the least, the others have very high levels." The one with blue hair said, as though trying to reassure them both, it was mostly based on their quirk after all.

"I just hope the heroes don't get themselves involved with this." The one with brown hair sighed, they had a good place here, and weren't hurting people, they didn't want to have to move and set everything up again.

"In fairness we're not working within the law. Bas' quirk can get us out." The blue haired one reassured, getting up and going to Momo's bed to remove the headphones on her, letting her start to wake up.

"Fuck." The brown haired one muttered as they heard a bang too loud to be anyone in their organisation, but too quiet to be an explosion, which was a relief at least. "You were saying?"

"Should we take the two of them? They have a lot of trauma, and I can't be sure it's being treated." The blue haired one asked, already on their feet, but were hovering, not knowing what to do.

"No, too risky right now, we'll keep an eye on them, but we need to get out of here." The brown haired one snapped, grabbing their wrist and causing them to drop the clipboard, though not because of it being painful, more due to the awkward angle.

"Bas!" The brown haired one called out to the quiet person who had the teleportation quirk that had made it so difficult for Momo to try to get away.

They looked up, already knowing what they were going to be asked, reaching out for the hands of the two running towards them, the other members of the small organisation already having been teleported away to the next safe location that had been prepared by one of their clients.

"Hello!!" A loud, almost cheerful voice called out, sounding almost like someone who had just entered a very close friend's house, the sound of footsteps and scratching that sounded like claws that were too long.

"I think they already left." Another voice said, sounding slightly flat.

"Aww, what a shame, and I made Finnea just for this." The original person said with a pout, "Finnea" being a rather small red and pink dragon that was walking beside them, looking a little dopey. The necklace they were wearing now just a black rope with an empty loop on it.

"I think it was your dragon that alerted them we were coming. Let's see if the UA kids are still here at least, please keep that under control Lex." The other person said, Lex poking her tongue out at him.

"I didn't know they could teleport." Lex said with a shrug. "It's hardly a common quirk."

"I said look for the UA kids Lex, I wasn't asking you to defend yourself." The taller one with long black hair that was done up with several braids in said with a somewhat affectionate eye roll.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm going. Finnea, you look for anyone who has the UA smell." Lex said, leaning down to look into the dragon's eyes as she asked for the dragon's help. "It's 4 people, right?"

"Yup, one actually old enough for UA, three 13 year olds." The other said, heading into a different room to search.

"What's this chart for?" Lex asked, picking up the clipboard the blue haired kidnapper had dropped as they tried to escape.

Lex continued walking, not able to make heads or tails of the chart that seemed to have writing on, but it was a language she had never seen before. In addition to what looked like they were supposed to be letters, there were other characters that looked like they were some kind of Maths symbols. Lex hoped it wasn't a bad sign.

Entering the room the clipboard had been in front of Lex saw occupied beds. There were 4 beds, and the room looked like it was set up like a somewhat old fashioned hospital room, thing curtains that were opaque enough to not be able to literally see through, but it was hardly enough for actual privacy. In fact, where they stood by the door let them see in all the beds.

"Kil, I think I found them!" Lex called, counting the people in the rom, 4, and only 4.

"What's going on?" Momo asked, slightly sleepily as she sat up, rubbing her eye and looking confused as she saw where she was.

"Hello, I'm Lexsaidh, a hero with a provisional licence, my hero partner Killian is here too, he'll probably be coming soon. You and the three you were with were kidnapped, unfortunately we missed the villains who did it though." Lex smiled gently, walking closer.

"The boys!" Momo practically yelled, sitting upright and seeming much more awake than before.

"Three people?" Lexsaidh asked, Momo nodding. "These are probably them."

Lexsaidh pulled the curtains back so Momo could see the boys who still had their headphones on, but Harry was starting to move.

"You found them, are they alright?" Killian asked, reaching the room at the same time as Finnea.

"We need to get them checked out, but they seem alright, just sleeping." Finnea almost toppling Lexsaidh over as she spoke.

"You have a dragon?" Momo asked, looking between Lexsaidh and Finnea as she tried to get the affectionate dragon off herself.

"It's my quirk. But let's get you all to the medics, they're not far." Lexsaidh smiled, picking Momo up in both arms like she was weightless, a blush spreading on Momo's cheeks.

"Can you make something for Finnea be able to safely carry one of them?" Killian asked, picking up Harry and Luke.

"Sure," Lexsaidh said, turning to look at the somewhat over excitable dragon with its tongue out, a harness appearing on its back before she turned back to Killian. "There you go."

((A/N: Hello, Killian and Lexsaidh belong to PsychoBootyShorts although I did help with the creation of Lexsaidh. Her name is Scottish and is pronounced "Lexi" if you don't know. Sorry it took so long to update.))

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