Chapter 18

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"You said you could relate..." Harry's voice trailed off, looking down at his shrunken walking stick, now he was sitting his legs were already starting to lessen in pain.

"Killian and I have always been the children of people in the hero industry, it's a dangerous career and they were killed. Killian's parents were heroes, mine provided support for heroes. I was 10 and Killian was 6. Killian had a little brother too. Zizi, auntie, and zia took us in because auntie is my biological aunt and Zizi is Killian's godparent. Obviously we don't really like talking about it." Lexsaidh's smile wasn't meeting her eyes as she looked down at her fingers.

"I was taken in by my aunt and uncle, now I'm with my godfathers which is better." Harry's fingers traced the engraving on the walking stick.

"Do you three know how you got here?" Nico steered the conversation away from the depressing conversation Lexsaidh and Harry were having.

"Something purple opened up in the floor and we fell through here. Apparently it was related to villains so I don't know if we'll be able to go back," Dudley paused. "The same way."

"We'll be sure to help you find a way back to your home. Who cares if it's not the same way?" Nico grinned again in the unsettling way Lexsaidh had called a Cheshire grin.

"Zizi! Stop it!" Lexsaidh rolled her eyes at them.

"You're no fun." Nico poked their tongue out at her.

"So, what exactly are quirks?" Dudley felt awkward as he was, once again, on the outside of a healthy family.

"They're super powers. It's commonly believed that they originated from a baby that was born emitting light, however there is rather a large number of people who believe that it started earlier. Specifically a pink haired 'demon' who helped people transition." Lexsaidh explained, Killian's eyes still fixed on Harry.

"My quirk is called Cat Got Your Tongue, depending on my mood I can either curse objects which I use to fight or mimic someone's voice perfectly. I don't necessarily know what's being said though." Nico finally stopped grinning to explain their quirk.

"Mine is called Language; I can understand any language and provided I use the language that individual uses the most I can give them commands. It's easy for them to break out of my control though, so I mostly fight using weapons Rema made." Killian was still transfixed by Harry.

"And mine is called Fantasy. I am able to make anything that belongs in fantasy stories for between 30 minutes to 2 hours. It's fairly simple, though admittedly powerful, unlike these two who have to primarily focus on their physical strength to win most fights. It's better in the long run though, because it means they don't become immediately weak against people who can inhibit or are immune to their quirks. They and my parents insisted that I also learnt how to fight without quirks for the same reason. Also because it would suck if my summoned creatures were too far away. It's better to be able to fight than to have to push my quirk after all." Lexsaidh sounded almost too calm as she explained, her eyes showing hurt. Maybe she believed her parents would be alive if they had properly known how to defend themselves, but nobody could really say.

"What's my quirk called?" Dudley asked.

"Dunno, you get to name it yourself." Nico shrugged. "You will need to name it before you get it registered, and if you want to do anything with it you do need to get it registered. No point in naming it before you know what it does though."

"So would magic count as a quirk?" Harry asked, maybe if it did he would like to stay here for at least some of the summer holidays, allow him to get completely confident with spells without having to worry about Voldemort or the Ministry.

"Is it in your DNA?" Lexsaidh asked, leaning back in her chair so the front two legs were off the floor.

"We don't know." Luke answered for Harry. "Different studies always come up with different results, and sometimes purebloods seem to have it in their DNA, and some old standing families don't. It's something that has been researched since a little after Hogwarts was founded."

"Then it's probably not a quirk, you're predisposed to them in your DNA." Killian spoke rather flatly.

"So how the hell do I have a quirk?" Dudley furrowed his brows, sure, Petunia had a rather long neck, and Vernon seemed to be at a weight that put him at many health risks that he only seemed to show signs of when angry with Harry, but neither of those were really quirks.

"Who knows, but they need to have started at some point, right? Who knows, maybe it's you and not pink demon who had the first quirk." Lexsaidh shrugged, seeming rather unbothered about the potentially ground breaking piece of history happening at the very table she sat at.


It took a few weeks for Harry and Killian to start opening up to each other, but eventually they did. Both found in the other something akin to the family they had both lost years ago, one not easily replaced, but strangely easy to add to. There was a silent agreement between them to never address the other as family, but at the same time they were as much siblings as Lexsaidh and Killian were.

It still wasn't clear what Dudley's quirk was, but from what they did know it seemed to increase the probability of the worst case scenario. Though a few times, when he focused, he managed to make more fortunate things happened.

"Fairy Tale," Izuku approached Lexsaidh as she sat in the corner of the classroom, having been left behind in the classroom due to recent overuse of her quirk. "Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?"

"Well that already was one, but go ahead." Lexsaidh sighed, adjusting herself so she was facing Izuku, rubbing her eyes, which had dark circles under them, emphasised by her pale face.

"Are you and hero Elfadl dating?" Izuku asked one of the questions he had seen the most about them online.

Lexsaidh's face immediately seemed to spring to life as she burst out laughing at the question. She wasn't offended, she knew her fanbase were the type who liked to fantasise about relationships, and she had to be glad the person they had assigned as her partner was one she liked and not one of her fans themself. She had seen the question online many times, but she knew denying it would not have stopped the rumours, and if she said he was her brother she would simply end up with comments saying she belonged in Alabama.

"No, I am not dating my brother. Neither of us are dating, I don't know if he plans to, but honestly I have no plans to date. I can focus on that when I retire if at all." Lexsaidh finally said when she had stopped laughing enough.

"I see, why is your time limit for your quirk what it is?" Izuku asked, scratching down notes as they talked.

"I don't know, but I guess it lasts for as long as episodes or films, doesn't it? Maybe that's why, but it really doesn't matter because it's not like I can change it. I had the same timeline my whole life." Lexsaidh shrugged.

"Why did you want to be a hero?" Izuku asked.

"Ah," Lexsaidh paused. "I'm not doing great at the moment, that's the reason I'm here at the moment and not working as a hero. My motivation for being a hero is kinda personal, hence not talking about it on TV, I really don't think I can handle talking about it right now."



"You doing better now, Fairy?"

"Much, sorry for making you carry me out last time."

"Nah, we didn't want the kids seeing that, not like you could help needing more summons than you could handle. Half the kids were sold, we found the buyers, we're going tonight, Elf will get you to location if you're up to it."

"See you tonight Jack."

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