☆Chapter 2☆

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As Jimin hauls his duffle bags to the trunk of the minivan, it finally hits him. He's leaving his home country to go and live his dream as a dancer.

He gets pulled out of his daze as Jungkook comes next to him and puts his bags in the trunk. Jungkook sees the look the older has on his face and walks away, knowing exactly what it is he's feeling.

As he goes to get the rest of the bags, Jimin hugs his family one last time, hoping that it isn't the last, last time.

As Jimin got into the car, he started thinking about his life. Most specifically, his past memories. How he met his dance inspiration.

When he turned 12. A new family moved in beside him. The family had a son around his age. He knew he wanted to befriend him.

When he was in his teenage years, age 13. Jimin decided to make his move and knock on his neighbour's door.

He just walked up to the front of his neighbour's house and knocked on the door like it was nothing.

As the boy Jimin was waiting for opened the door, Jimin was trying to talk himself out of it.

"Uh...yeah? What do you want?" The boy Jimin wanted to approach spoke up, a little annoyed that this 13 year old had come to his doorstep uninvited.

"Hi there, my name is Park Jimin, I'm your neighbor." Jimin said confidently.

"And? What do you want?" The boy asked, getting more impatient by the minute.

"Uh, I was just wondering, if we could be friends? I mean you look like you're my age, but you act kinda cold towards people so,-"

"Waitwaitwaitwaitwait. Youve been watching me? Little stalker." He says as he starts to close the door.

"No! I mean, yes but that's not what I meant. Please give me another chance," Jimin pleaded.

The neighbour hesitated. "For what exactly?" He asked.

Jimin sighed. "For me to make a good enough impression on you so that you will be my friend. It's that simple. I just want to be friends with you."

The yet annoyed boy thought about it a little bit, "Fine," he decided. "I'll let you be my friend. I'm Yoongi!" He introduces himself, "But... I'll give you one chance. If you annoy me, snitch on me, or do anything to hurt me at all we won't be friends anymore."

Jimin got excited at that news. "I won't, I promise," he said.

He thought Yoongi was an average boy, just a year older than him. Then they started becoming friends.

They made many memories together, started a new hobbie together, they've done everything together.

Till one day, Yoongi moved away.

"Are you sure you have to go?" Jimin asked Yoongi.

"Jimin, I have no choice. My dad got a new job and they can't leave me here alone." Yoongi replied, "One day, we'll meet again. We'll dance and become professional dancers together."

Those last words started his journey. He worked harder everyday to achieve his dream and meet Yoongi once again. He applied to Juliard no matter what people said.

On the outside, Yoongi often acted cold and unapproachable to people.

But to Jimin, he just seemed like another puzzle he needed to solve and catch up to.

Yoongi meant everything to him.


Written by Jay

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