☆Chapter 8☆

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During the week, the two boys started to develop more feelings for eachother. Taehyung was the only one that knew from Yoongi, while Jungkook only knew because of Jimin.

Taekook, however, hadn't told anybody about their feelings for each other. Tae's reason was because he had just figured out that he was bisexual because of Jungkook, and Jungkook had considered telling Jimin, but came to the conclusion that it was a little too risky.

Now it was the day before the competition, and Jimins phone had been buzzing over on the counter all freaking day. Who the heck could need him so badly?

Hey Jiminie

Jackson? Why are you texting me?

I just wanted to tell you I have a surprise for you...

oh really? What is it

You'll see...

And he went offline.

Well, that was.... something.

Anyways, no time to worry about that. They had the dance to focus on for tomorrow night.

It was a couple hours before the show, and Jimin was nervous. He was worried about the crowd, and most importantly, he was worried about Yoongi. Will he be able to do the lift?

Not only was he stressing about the show, he was also stressing about the fact that he had decided to tell Yoongi about his feelings after the show. Little did he know.....

Yoongi's pov:
"Tae, this is serious. Should I tell him or not?" I asked the younger.

I need to know if I should tell Jimin about my feelings or not.

"I think you should, Hyung. I'm pretty sure he feels the same way anyway, so why not just get it over with?" He replied.

"Okay, I'll go and tell him," I said.

"That's the spirit, hyung! Go get em!" Tae exclaimed as I ran out of the room in the direction of Jimins dressing room.

Once I got there, I had to give myself a pep talk before I had the courage to even look into the window of the room. Once I did though, I was very shocked at what I saw.

Park Jimin, at this moment, was hot as shit. Black hair parted in just the way to show off his forehead, sparkles just underneath his eyes to illuminate his aeygo-sal, and big pink lips glossed to perfection.

I knocked on the door getting Jimin's attention. Jimin was in shock when he saw my appearance. Did I really look that stunning?

No one's pov
His blonde hair brushed neatly with gems under his eye to match his make up, and a white silk outfit with a tint of blue that matched with Jimin's.

Absolutely breath-taking.

"Damn hyung- You look so handsome!" Jimin compliment him.

"Thanks Jimin! You do too!" He returns back.

"So what brings you here?" Jimin asks out of curiosity

Yoongi remembers the reason why he is there.

He was gonna confess.

"Should I?" he asks himself, "I'll do it after the show. I don't want to put pressure on him."

"Nothing, I just wanted to check on you." Yoongi replies.

"Well I'm doing great! Thank you very much!" Jimin replies with the cutest smile plastered on his face.

Just then, the stage manager knocked on the door.

"You're up in 5!" They remind them.

They both made eye contact, "You ready Jimin?" He asks with a smile.

"I was born ready!" He replied before they both exit the room.

They were now back stage waiting to be called on. Giving each other words of encouragement.

"Next up we have The Truth Untold! Danced by 4 boys, Park Jimin, Min Yoongi, Kim Taehyung, and Jeon Jungkook!" The mc of the recital announces.

They all ran on stage getting in formation and danced as soon they heard the song start.

They danced hitting each step perfectly and smoothly, feeling the emotions of their chosen song.

Hiding within the shadows, hiding behind a mask not showing their true selves after the cruelty from the world. Hiding their true emotions, hiding their true actions.

Worrying that if they show their true selves people would dislike them. Scared to to show what everyone does not see. Their inner struggles, their inner emotions, their inner feelings.

Jimin and Yoongi did their duet smoothly to the music feeling tons of emotions. They felt like they related to the song. Hiding behind closed doors, afraid to ruin a friendship they both cherished. Worried if they maybe took a step forward they won't be loved anymore.

As soon as the song ended it did not only leave them in tears, but the whole audience.

They told a story and showed emotion with just a dance. They let everything out with slow but meaningful steps.


Written by Jay and Jupiter

Note from Jupiter: 📄

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