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Juliets POV
I'm going to ask peri to be my girlfriend tonight,I'm so nervous and I don't know what she'll say but I do know that I want a future with her. I go downstairs and see Romeo, he looks at me and says " how are you felling about tonight?", i reply " I'm feeling so nervous, but I want a future with her and Steph ". Romeo looks at me and says " Jules look at me, ( I do), you are an amazing person, who will be the best step mum to Steph and if peri says no then she doesn't deserve you". I hug him and say " thank you so much Romeo, you're the best big brother ever, other than James of course", I say smiling he reply's " well if I knew it was a competition I would've tried less". We both laugh and then I leave to go to peri's.

Peri's POV
I let Juliet in, she's staying the night and Serena is also staying over, in sids room😉😉😉. We're watching a movie when Jules asks to speak to me in private, I pause the movie and we head up to my room. Jules looks at me and says " peri lomax you are the kindest, most thoughtful, beautiful, caring, loving and amazing girl I've ever met and I really want a future with you and Steph of course so will you be my girlfriend ".im in tears but I managed to say " yes of course I will", we kiss and head back downstairs. We tell Sid and Serena and they go absolutely mental, we continue watching the movie, we play a few board games and the order a takeaway. Later me and jules are in my room and I say " Jules thank you, I never thought I'd be this happy and the reason I am is because of you, I think after Christmas you should move in", she looks at me and says " pez you're welcome and I'd love to move in", we kiss and fall asleap hugging.

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