Weekend away with sid and serena

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Juliets POV
Today me and pez, are going for a weekend away in London with Sid and Serena. We're packing right now and I can't wait, of course we'd love to take Steph one day but she's staying with tom and yaz. We get a taxi to the train station and get on the train, about half way trough the journey, Sid looks at me and pez and says " this is going to be amazing, but you two must be missing Steph, I know I am". Pez says " I am absolutely but I know she's going to have an amazing time with yaz and Tom, and me and jules are planing on taking her to London in the future". We arive in London and get an Uber to our hotel and go to our rooms, drop our bags off and chill for a bit.

Peris POV
Me and Jules leave our room and meet Sid and serena at the reception, we leave the hotel. We sightsee for a bit then make our way to the shard as it's beer our hotell, we also have a reservation at the restaurant there for dinner. We arive at the shard and go to the top, the view is absolutely amazing, Juliet looks at me and says " it's absolutely beautiful ", I kiss her and her and whisper " it is but it's got nothing on you". We take selfies some with al four of us and some with just me and Jules or Sid and serena, we have diner at the restaurant, it was absolutely delicious. We head back to the hotel, and head to our room, me and Jules make out on our bed then fall asleep hugging with her head on my chest. We spend the rest of the weekend sightseeing, having amazing food and making amazing memories, I know Steph will love it when me and Jules take her with Tom and yaz.

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