Juliet confronts leahs bullies

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Peris POV
Leah has been acting really weird lately, I'm really worried about her, Jules looks at me and says " babe what's wrong", I reply " leah has acting really weird lately and I don't know why". She looks at me and says " why don't I talk to her?", I kiss her and say " thank you so much babe", familly means everything to both of us, so when a familly member is feeling down we can't help but worry about them. I go to work and Lilly, cleo and misbah can tell something is wrong,I agree to talk to them over our lunch break. We go into the staff room where the four of us, I look at them and say " it's Leah, she's been acting really weird lately and I'm really worried about her, Jules sated she's have a word with her later".

Juliets POV
I to the bus stop, to see Leah being bullied by four girls all older than her, I walk over and say " Leah get behind me" she does. I look at her and say how long has this been going on she says through tears " about two months ". I look at the bullies and yell " how dare you, she is absolutely beautiful and a thousand times the person any of you will ever be, you four veteran stay away from her, this is going to be reported to the school and the police". Me and Leah go back to the house and I get her a glass of quarter and sit down of the sofa with her, ste, leela, James, pez, and sid walk in, I look at Leah and say " why dident you tell anyone?". She looks at me and says " I thought what they were calling me was true, at first they pretended to be my friends", ste looks at her and says " how long has it been going on", Leah says " about two months". After everybody calms down I watch a film with Leah and pez, Leah looks at me and says " thank you so much for today", I look at her and reply " that's okay Leah, i was just speaking the trut, you need to stand up to people like that", she hugs me and we continue watching the film.

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