Romeo and peri heart to heart

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Juliets POV
I know something is wrong with Romeo, it's really bothering me and I think peri can't tell, she looks at me and says " Jules what's wrong", I reply " it's Romeo, I can tell somethings wrong with him and I'm really worried". She looks at me hugs me and says " why don't I try and to talk to him", I look at her and reply " you'd do that?", she nods, I'm so lucky to have pez she's amazing with my familly as she knows how important they are to me.  I look at pez and say " thank you so much babe, you're the best girlfriend ever", we kiss for a bit then I go to work , marnie looks at me and says " have you heard from Romeo recently he's been verry quiet", I reply " no I'm worried about him to but peri said she'll speak with him today", marnie looks at me and says " she's one in a million, don't ever let her go", I reply " I know and I don't plan on letting her go".

Peris POV
I texted Romeo earlier asking if he wanted a drink at the dog, he agreed, I'm sat here waiting for him. I see him and get him a pint, he says " thanks", I reply " Jules told me something has been bothering you, before you say anything I'm not just jules's girlfriend I'm also you're friend". He says " I've been having some suicidal thoughts recently, would Jules, dad and marnie be better of without me?", I reply " no of course not, you're so important to them and your friends, including me, I'm glad you told be because now we can help you, I'll book you an appointment with a therapist if you want". He hugs me and says thank you so much pez, that will be very helpful and thank you so much for reminding me just how important I am",  I say " that's okay, I'll book you a appointment for tomorrow, you can take Someone with you if you want", we chat for a bit longer then I head home. I go into my room to see Juliet looking at me, I say " he's been struggling with his mental health recently, having suicidal thoughts, I've booked him an appointment with a therapist tomorow, he wants me and you to go with him, he's going to tell janes and marnie", she reply's " thank you so much pez, and I'm so glad he has someone like you to talk to" we kiss.

The next day Romeo went to his appointment with the therapist, Juliet and peri went with him and the therapist put him on medication, since then he's had no more thoughts and his mental health is amazing, compared to how it was before he told peri.

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