First date

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Peri's POV
Today is going to be mine and Juliets first date, I'm so nervous, what if she decides she doesn't like me after the date. I walk downstairs to see Sid & Serena, Serena looks at me and says " how are you felling?", I reply " I'm extremely nervous, what if she doesn't like me after the date, am I good or pretty enough to be with her", Sid hugs me and says " peri lomax, you don't need to be me boys, of course she won't change her mind about you, I've seen the way she looks at you and you are more than good and pretty enough to be with her".  I reply " thank you so much, you two have always been there for me and supported me", they hug me, I get all her favourite things to eat and drink in the picnic basket and head upstairs to get changed.

Juliets POV
Romeo gave me a blindfold and told me he would be there giving me directions to the date the whole time, we suddenly stop and Romeo says " take your blindfold of and enjoy the date", I take the blindfold off and see. Peri on a picnic blanket with rose petals,i then realise we're in her living room, peri looks at me and says " I thought this would be more private for a first date". I smile and walk over to the blanket, and peri opens the picnic basket, I can't believe it she's got all my favourite food and drink. I look at peri and say " thank you so much peri,this is the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me". The date is going amazing and I can't believe that peri done all this for me, I open the champagne and pour it into two glasses.  Peri looks at me and says " Jules I really like you, your absolutely beautiful and I hope you enjoyed the date", I kiss her and when she doesn't kiss back I stand up and say " I'm so sorry I shouldn't have done that". She grabs my hand and pulls me back and says " Jules I was just shocked, but I want to kiss you again", we kiss and make out on her couch, I'm so happy she fells the same way as me. Sid, Serena, lilly, Prince, yaz and Tom walk in and Sid says " we'll I'm guessing the date went well" we all laugh and watch a movie as a friend group, when the movie is finished I stay for a bit longer then walk home and peri walks me home, we kiss on my doorstep and I say " thank you so much for the date, and walking me home ".we hug and I walk into my house and Romeo says " I'm guessing you liked it" , I hug him and say " I did and thank you so much for helping her with it ", I walk into my room and fall asleep feeling so happy.

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