Tom and yaz break up

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Juliets POV
I wake up to see Steph on mine and peris bed, I smile and play with her, peri wakes up and says " morning my two gorgeous girls", she kisses me and Steph. Steph stayed over last night so Tom and Yaz could have a discussion about their marriage, i look at peri and say " what do u think happened", she looks at me and says " if they did break up it's important that we're there for both of them and tell Steph it isn't her fault". We play with Steph for a bit longer then Tom comes in and sits down, Lella takes Steph and Tom looks at us and says " we broke up, it's for the best even though we loved each other so much we just grew apart" Me and pez both hug him and agree to help him tell Steph later.

Peris POV
It's time to tell Steph, I say " steph can you come over please", she sits next to jules, Tom says " so last night me and yaz split up, we still love each other and you so much and if you ever want to talk to me, yaz, mummy or Juliet about it then will do our best to listen".  She has tears in her eyes , Jules hugs her and me and tom bend down to her height, she looks at me and says " it's all my fault ", Juliet puts her on her lap and says " Steph don't ever say that, none if this is you're fault, how about the four of us spend the day together, go out for lunch and watch a movie". Steph smiles and we spend the rest of the day together, later I hear crying coming from the kitchen , I walk there to see Tom, I hug him and say " if you ever want to talk to me about it, then I'm here for you, you're still a massive part of my life and the love I had for you hasent disappeared, it's just not the way you deserve to be loved". Tom hugs me and says ,  " thank you so much pez, you are the best friend I could ever ask for", Tom leaves and takes Steph and I head upstairs and fall asleep hugging with Jules.

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