The Guzmáns

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I was walking home, it was still light out so I took my time taking in the environment. Enjoying this quiet time I thought nothing could bother but until..

"GAHHH MY GIFT!" Luisa was running into the house screaming.

She ran super fast and some of my hair blew to my face when she passed by me. What did she mean by her gift? I sighed.

I continued my way into the house walking past Abuela, she was probably getting the Guzmáns for the dinner. I walked upstairs heading to my room, before I opened my door I could hear thundering. I looked back to see Tia Pepa in Mirabel's room.

I quickly went into my room not wanting to get into any of their business. I didn't know what to do until the Guzmáns got here so I'll just take a nap until they get here.

I took off my runan and placed it on the table near the door. I took out the piece of chalk and drew a bird.

"Wake me up 10 minuets before the Guzmáns get here." I commanded. That will probably leave me a 30 minute nap.

I walked over to my bed and laid down, I got comfy and closed my eyes.

- Time skip -

I was peacefully in dream land then all of a sudden I heard squawking right next to my ear. I woke up startled and the squawking stopped. I looked down and saw the bird, I sighed and made the bird disappear. I got out of bed and walked over to the table, I put my ruana back on and left the chalk. I don't think I'll be needing it tonight.

Apparently Rio was in my room, I didn't see him when I walked in before. I shrugged it off, then I heard a knock on my door. I went to open it and Dolores was standing there, Rio running out.

"The Guzáns are here, Tia wanted me to get you." Dolores said in a soft tone.

"Okay, thank you." I replied then she walked off.

I stretched my arm at the doorway hearing the doorbell ring, I silently closed my door walking out I noticed Dolores standing in front of Abuela's door looking at Mirabel's bedroom that was slightly opened.

Mirabel's door was slowly opening, Dolores hummed and mouthed "I know." Then she did her usual high pitched "Hm" and quickly walked away going to the middle staircase.

I walked down the staircase that was on the side which was a quicker way to get to the dining room.

"Time to eat!" I heard Abuela shout as I was making my way down.

I sat next to Antonio because the seating was a bit different when adding two more people to the table. Once everyone sat down Abuela stood up.

"The Guzmáns and the Madrigals together will be so good for the encanto." Abuela spoke, putting her hands together looking at Mariano's mother.

"Yes. Then, let's hope tonight is not a horrible disaster." Mariano's mother spoke with a laugh. "Don't jinx it." I thought, taking a sip of my drink.

"To a perfect night! Salud!" Abuela raised her glass and so did everyone else saying "Salud!"

Everyone started eating, passing around plates, and some small talk. I noticed Mirabel aggressively staring at Dolores, Dolores looked super nervous. Did something happen when I was asleep?

When Mariano offered Mirabel avocado Dolores turned over to her brother Camilo and whispered something in his ear, which made him cough and slightly choke on his food, and transform into someone I couldn't tell who it was because it happened so quickly. His face looked a bit weird though.

-Discontinued- Bruno's Son (OC!Male Reader) Where stories live. Discover now