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Your parents had moved to Seoul a few years ago after a huge job opportunity your dad was offered, and of course, they had to bring you with them. You were devastated and questioned all the time why you had to leave the country you were brought up in and why you had to leave the rest of your family and friends behind. You couldn't understand why your parents didn't leave you with your family and move to Seoul on their own.

The first month or so was hard for all of you. You refused to go to school and your parents had to put up with all the tantrums you were making. You would cry almost all day, repeatedly asking your parents,

"Why am I here? Why can't I go back home? I want to go home."

"Y/N sweetie, this is your home."

"No. NO! This is NOT MY HOME!"

You would always run to your room, feet stomping on the stairs as loudly as you could as you go to your room and lock yourself in there pretty much the whole day, sulking. Your parents were angry and didn't know what to do.

But you were just a kid. Moving away to another country and leaving behind some of your favourite people in the world hurt you a lot. It was a lot to take in, especially at such a young age.

However, one day, it was like a miracle had happened.

You woke up and went to school. You didn't throw a tantrum, you didn't cry, and you didn't refuse. Your parents thought that you had enough of crying and you got tired of it.

Or maybe because you felt bored staying at home most of the time, despite staying in the house and having an opportunity to watch all your favourite cartoons. You often wondered how your parents allowed you to stay at home like that. But, you wanted to go to school to make friends and share all your favourite things with other people.

And that's what you did.

As time went by, you ended up having a lot of fun at school and would come back home with the biggest smile on your face. Sometimes as soon as your parents picked you up from the school gates, you would immediately hand them drawings you made in class, or show them the well-done stickers on your jumper that you had earned from your teachers.

It has been a while since your parents had seen you this happy and they were grateful.

They were even more grateful for a sweet little boy named Jaehyun, that you introduced as your special friend to your parents after school one day, because they already knew who he was.

Jaehyun and his parents lived next door, which is how they knew of him and were glad they lived next door. Both your parents agreed to swap numbers after a few friendly conversations and learning that their kids attended the same school. They also decided they would do school runs for each other if they couldn't do so.

You didn't know you and Jaehyun were neighbours though. It wasn't until one day neither of your parents could make it to school on time to pick you up due to important schedules at work. Therefore, they had let Jaehyun's parents know and asked if they could have you stay at his house until your parents were back.

You were upset when your parents didn't show up and thought they might've abandoned you, but Jaehyun's mum explained that neither of your parents could pick you up and that you could hang out with Jaehyun at his house until your parents were home. You were both very excited.

"Yaaaaay!!! We can watch my favourite show together and have pizza!!" Jaehyun claps his hands in joy.

You looked confused when Jaehyun's mum pulled up in front of your house, and questioned why she drove you home when you were supposed to stay at Jaehyun's. You finally realised when Jaehyun's mum explained to you and opened the front door of the house next to yours, with Jaehyun pulling you to go inside.

It was from then on that you and Jaehyun promised to be best friends forever, sealing it with a cheesy pinky promise.

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