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After his graduation, Jaehyun had planned to move back to Seoul.

On his graduation day, his professor came up to him and told him that someone from a company had contacted him and said they really liked the portfolio Jaehyun had developed over the years at university and asked if he would like to go for an interview.

He agreed to go because it was at a place he had dreamed of working at ever since high school. Still, he didn't think that such a thing would happen because it was one of the top businesses in the country, and it was hard to get into. And so he thought he would study in that field of work in the country that was well known in that industry, go back to Seoul and get a good job in that field.

The interview went well, but he didn't think much of it because it was for such a prestigious company, but it was one of the best in the country. They were only hiring 3 out of 100 people, and Jaehyun didn't think he would get it. He thought there was no way he could compete with the others.

However, a week later, the company contacted him and told him he got one of the places. He got the job.

Jaehyun was surprised. He couldn't believe it; it was like a dream come true for him. All those days and nights spent studying in his room and at the library with him getting a degree finally paid off. He chased his dream and got it.

He couldn't wait to tell his parents about it. He knew his parents would be over the moon because they knew how hard he had worked for an opportunity like this to come up.

He was a little anxious to tell you because he didn't know how you would react to it. It made him think of when he told you he was moving abroad, but Jaehyun was thrilled nonetheless. He hoped you would understand what this meant to him. He wanted to say it to you in person because he was going to the graduation anyway. But, he said to himself that he would tell you the day after instead because it's supposed to be one of the most joyful days of your life. He didn't want to ruin that. He was looking forward to attending and finally getting the chance to see you again after a long time. He was so happy and proud of you; he wanted to be there and give you a big hug for making it.

However, during the same time the company contacted him, he was informed that his first day would be on the 19th July. 2 days before your graduation, and it was the day he had planned to fly out back to Seoul for that occasion.

That happiness disappeared when he realised that it meant he would miss your graduation. He would have to break the promise he made. He didn't want to break your heart again, but he didn't want to turn it down. He couldn't just throw away this once in a lifetime opportunity. It was his dream after all.

But you would understand, right? You would understand that this was his dream and that you would be happy for him, right?

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