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You, Jaehyun, and your friends were having a lot of fun, dancing the night away to old school classics, munching on food, taking loads of pictures, and talking about all the crazy things that had happened the past year.

Even though you and Jaehyun were with your friends throughout the whole time, you couldn't keep your eyes off him.

Just simple things such as small touches to your arm or fixing your hair, gave you goosebumps. Or times when he would wrap an arm around your shoulders whenever you guys were talking to your friends. Whenever you saw him smile or see him throw his head back laughing at something ridiculous your friends had said, your eyes went straight to him, and it made you smile and laugh too.

The truth is, you had a big fat crush on Jaehyun. You can't remember when these feelings started to appear, but it just happened. Your friends knew because you had told them one day after school. You wanted to talk to someone about it hence why you decided to tell them. Well, you told one of your friends, and they promised to keep it a secret, but they couldn't, because everyone in your friend group apart from Jaehyun found out. You were surprised that information didn't reach Jaehyun, knowing how gossipy your friends can get. At least they were doing you a favour, and you were thankful for that.

It's not the first time you and Jaehyun have openly had moments of physical intimacy. It happens all the time, but today, it made you feel like you wanted something a bit more. It's like on this particular day, your feelings for him became extra intense.

All your friends had started to pick up on it, and began to tease you with every opportunity they got. They were winking at you, nudging your shoulders and making weird noises whenever they caught you looking at him or even if you were seen alone with Jaehyun. You lost count at the number of times you gave death stares to them.

"Aw, this is one of my favourite songs!" you say to your friends at the table, when your ears perk up to the song that had just started playing, "I'm in love" by Yerin Baek.

You're so busy people-watching that you don't notice Jaehyun approaching you.

"Y/N, would you like to dance?" Jaehyun asks as he extends his hand out to you, a sweet smile on his face; dimples on display.

"I'd love to" you mirror his smile on your face. Squeaky noises and screams come out from your friends when you take his hand as you get up from your seat; leading you to the middle of the dancefloor, but not before looking back at your friends with a raised eyebrow. Wondering what on earth were those sounds and why they were so weird.

You look at Jaehyun with doe eyes as he pulls you in closer to him, his arms finding their place on your waist before you place your hands on his shoulders.

You don't think you've ever been this close to him before. Even if you have, it's not the same. His face is just inches away from yours. You felt yourself getting a bit hot, not from the number of people in the room but the closeness of Jaehyun's body. You weren't the only one who was like a tomato right now. Jaehyun was too. Ears turn a shade of red, but you don't notice, because instead of making eye contact with him, you're looking down at both of your feet as you sway side to side along with the music.

You could feel him staring at you, which makes you shy. You somehow find the courage to look up at him, and when you do, your heart skips a beat as the tip of both your noses touch each other. The next thing you know, Jaehyun's lips are hovering against yours. You can feel the softness of his lips brush against yours, both of you closing your eyes. You make the first move, sealing your lips with his.

At first, it was a sweet and gentle kiss. You pull away from him for just a second before Jaehyun kisses you again, this time deepening the kiss as your hands make their way to the nape of his neck. Your fingers are playing with his soft locks. You swear you felt the goosebumps and butterflies in your stomach intensify like never before. You couldn't believe this was happening.

You don't really know how it happened.

Maybe it was something that had been brewing inside of you. Or it was the song that was currently playing that sparked the kiss to happen.

When you both pull away from each other, you continue to look at each other full of adoration. You looked back and forth between his eyes and lips and so did he. You both wanted to feel the softness of each other's lips once more.

Jaehyun leaned in closer and closer. You closed your eyes, anticipating and wanting to savour the moment with him, waiting for his lips to brush against yours.

But it never came.

Your eyes immediately open as you hear loud chatters surrounding you and Jaehyun, as some of his teammates from his basketball club suddenly pull him away from you to the other side of the hall. "I'll catch you later!" he shouts out, and you watch his figure get further away. You wave at him in response before you're dragged to another area of the hall by some of your friends, wanting you to try some of the food they had just brought out.

Way to ruin the moment. you both thought.

It was quickly approaching midnight, and before you knew it, prom was ending. It was time to go home. You and Jaehyun said your goodbyes to your friends before his dad picked you both up to drive home. The car journey was a bit awkward. When you and Jaehyun gathered with your friends again towards the end of the night, both of you were thinking about that kiss. Even now in the car, you were both still processing what had happened but decided to push it to the back of your mind for the sake of your friendship. Neither of you liked the awkward tension building in the car. You were already thinking of the worst, and you were scared. Luckily, Jaehyun's dad came to the rescue and discarded the awkwardness.

Little did you know, that moment will come crawling back in your mind all the time. Because it was the moment you realised you were perhaps in love.

You spent the rest of the night laying in bed, staring blankly at the ceiling, replaying that moment over and over again in your head. It felt like something you had seen in a movie or a story you had read, where one of the main characters fell for their best friend, especially when they've spent a good chunk of their life with them. And when they fell, they fell hard.

And that was exactly what had happened.

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