Hostage to my Daydreams

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They hold me in their arms

I am trapped in their grasp

They whisper in my ear

My head hurt from their voice

They give me friends who never leave

I am alone

They make me strong

They make me perfect

I am broken

They give me beautiful stories in my mind

I mourn the lost people

I mourn their pain

I feel the pain

I get hurt

Yet they tell me I am safe

They say I am protected

They say the people I imagine can't leave

They say my real friends will leave

They say they're a gift

But I feel trapped

I feel tired

My feet hurt from the pacing

I'm distracted

I'm scared

They say I can't leave

They say without them I'm alone

They say without them I am empty

They say they are me

They are my personality

They say I'm nothing without them

I am trapped with this

I am trapped with them

They won't leave

I can't escape

In all honesty

With full truth

I won't try

I will stay

I am

The hostage to my daydreams

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