Chapter 2- Roomate

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Sapnap throws his arms around Dream's neck and hugs him tightly laying his face on Dream shoulder. Dream, a little shook, laughs and nervously puts his arm around his back, patting it. Dream breathe in Sapnap's scent and melts into the hug. Sapnap is warm and smells so sweet Dream might fall asleep. Dream pulls away and looks at Sapnap still cheesing hard. "Nice to not be sitting in a car?" Dream says. "Yea dude it hurts," Sapnap laughs breathily and sighs. "Im home now" He looks up at dream and hugs him again. Dream hugs back finally seeing Sapnap face to face. He is home.

Helping Sapnap pack out stuff in his new room wasn't what Dream had in mind to spend his "afternoon", though it was already 7pm. "Dude this room is incredible actually thank you", Sapnap said looking around the spacious room. "I decorated it with you in mind." Dream said laughing at Sapnap awing at the room. They just finished putting the last piece of clothing into the drawers and Sapnap places some minecraft figures on the desk when Patches walked in. "PATCHES!" Sapnap kneels down and picks her up. Patches meows happily at Sapnap glad to see he finally has arrived. "Aww your such a sweet little thing aren't you?" He says and rubs his nose into her fur. Dream laughs and walks over. "She seems to love you already." "You think so?" Sapnap looks up cheerfully. "Mhm she's comfortable with you." Dream pats his back and gets up. "I'll order something for us to eat as a treat", Dream said as he walks out of his new roommates room not before he takes a quick picture of Sapnap and patches and tweets it on twitter. Sapnap let go of patches as she runs with dream to the living room and gets up to make his bed.

Eating alone is definitely painful but eating with someone else is a nightmare. It feels like your obligated to have a conversation or else it's just awkward. That's how Dream felt. Every bite he takes into his Chinese food he can't help but glance at Sapnap, eyeing him to give him a hint that this is awkward, but Sapnap continue eating like it's a normal day. So Dream starts up a conversation. "So how was the travel here?" Sapnap looks up mid bite and chokes a little. "Uh um sorry it was fine yea." "fine how?" Sapnap finishes his bite and talks again "Um I face-timed George and Karl on the way here. They um watched me drive here and stuff. And there was traffic, long drive yea." Sapnap finishes and continues eating. "So much for a conversation" Dream says in his mind. He guessed Sapnap find it just as awkward as he does. But rather not help it.

It's around 10 o clock and Dream isn't even an ounce of tired. But Sapnap looks like he could drop to sleep any second. Sapnap laying on the couch scrolling through his phone fighting sleep. Dream wanted to watch a movie but looking at Sapnap conditions it doesn't seem like he could even turn on the tv before Sapnap falls asleep. "Sapnap you should probably head to bed now you look like a train wreck." Dream laughs quietly as he walks over and bends down to face Sapnap. Sapnap mumbles something and pushes his head down into the couch. "Wanna speak up for me?" Dream said tilting his head . "I said I'm not tired." He mumbles a bit louder and Dream raises an eyebrow. "Fine but i don't want any drool on my couch Sappy",and Dream starts to get up when Sapnap grabs his wrist keeping him down. "Hm? What is it?" Dream bends back down as Sapnap turns his head to face Dream. Dream backs up away little for personal space. "Can you be a gentleman and get me a blanket?" Sapnap mumbled. Dream laughed and shakes his head. "Anything for the guest." He gets up and grabs a blanket from his room. He spreads it on top of Sapnap and bends down back to eye level again. "Anything else?" Dream questioned. "No that is al-" before he could finished Sapnap had fallen asleep. Dream sighs and got up and turned the lights off. "Sweet dreams buddy" He whispered before leaving the room. He's gonna enjoy having a roommate.

Word count- 737

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