Chapter 3-Hands off

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It's only been day 5 of Sapnap living with Dream and Dream is already annoyed. There's definitely something off with Sapnap that Dream doesn't think he noticed before. Sapnap is way more toucher in person. Not like Dream has any other in real life scenario to compare it too. But he feels like Sapnap can't get his hand off him. Just like the other day when he was making breakfast for Sapnap and him, Sapnap came and wrapped his arms around Dream stomach and rubbed his face into his back. It shocked Dream and he almost burned the egg. He let that one slide and Sapnap didn't even seem faze by it. He let go of Dream and went to sit down. The other time is when him and Sapnap decided to watch America got talent to make fun of some of the people singing and Sapnap cuddle into his side and put his nose right in Dream neck. That one did not slide. Dream moved over and nervously smile at him. "What was that for?" He laughed nervously. Sapnap tilted his head looking confused. "What was what for?" "Uh..forget it.." Dream turn back to the tv and Sapnap continued to lay on Dream. It took everything in Dream not to push him off.

It was Sunday and Dream planned today to be a lazy day for himself. He streamed the other day with Sapnap and he tired. He lays on his bed,phone in hand, and scrolls through youtube looking for a good video to watch. As soon as he finds one his door gets a knock on it. "Come in patches" He yells. "Very funny" Sapnap mocks as he walks in. "Hey dude what you need?" Dream says but doesn't turn around to look at him. "Just checking on you to see what you doing." Sapnap says and he walks and lays on top of dream cuddling into his back. Dream mood switches fast. He turns around quickly making Sapnap fall off his back. "What was that for?" Sapnap laughs, but Dream isn't laughing. "Um why were you cuddling into my back? Whats up with that?" Sapnap stop laughing and looks at Dream. "I don't know I just did" He shrugs and gives Dream an elbow in his stomach. Dream shakes it off thinking he's just overreacting. But then Sapnap cuddles into his side and ask what he is watching. Dream tries he really does to stay calm but every second he feels Sapnap breath on his neck, and Sapnap nuzzling his head into his head it makes Dream want to scream. His last straw is when Sapnap put his nose right into his neck and starting to whisper things right next to his ear. "Okay that's enough." He pushes Sapnap off and moves away. "Hm? What's wrong?" Sapnap says oblivious. "There's something off about you, your" Dream sighs. "Your so touchy it's weird. Like what's wrong with you?" Sapnap looks at him with shocked eyes. "What's wrong with me? What are you talking about dude." Sapnap laughs and tries to lay back on Dream but Dream shoves him off. "Yes what is wrong with you. Why are you so clingy it's so annoying. I don't want you all in my personal space or breathing down my neck!" Dream starts to get louder at the end finally letting his emotions out. Sapnap usually the type to never let words get to him, but in person,face to face, Sapnap heart shatters. "W-What are you talking about?" Sapnap lip quivers. "Do you not like it?" he asks trying to reach for Dreams hand. NO!" Dream shouts shoving his hand away. "I don't like you nor your STUPID CLINGYNESS!" GET OFF ME AND MY BED!" Sapnap can't help it anymore and tear spills down his cheek fast as he tries to wipe them. He jumps off the bed and runs out the room crying. Dream looks at the door that was swing opened and sighed. He lays his head back on his pillow and feels relief. But why does his heart ache? Maybe he's overdone it, maybe he shouldn't have shouted. But Sapnap was all over him and Dream doesn't know how to handle it. A tear rolls down Dream face and Dream quickly wipes it away. What has he done.

word count-728

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