Chapter 5 Apologize (part 2 )

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"Why did you kiss me?"

Dream honestly didn't have an answer. He doesn't even know what went through his mind to just go and kiss Sapnap like they were some sort of lovers. So he did what he did best. Stare and not say a word until he knew his answer.

"What?"Sapnap asked.

"Dream answer me stop staring like a weirdo."

But Dream couldn't take his eyes away from Sapnap. Was Sapnap always this pretty? And if he was, how come Dream didn't notice it sooner? Dream must of been blind because at this moment Sapnap look so amazing Dream eyes felt like they were being blessed. Sapnap hair was in a messy short ponytail with long strands as bangs in the front. He wore a big thin t-shirt that showed almost one of his shoulders. He had basketball shorts on and some white socks. He also had black earrings in his ears with a black chocker around his neck to match. His eyes were so pierced they were going right through Dream.Dream was studying Sapnap so hard he barely heard Sapnap until he shouted.


Dream's eyes shot up back to Sapnap face. And oh wow it was a masterpiece. His eyebrows were so perfect and ugh when did facial hair become so attractive! His lips were so red and wet from tears (and maybe dream's spit) but Dream shook those thoughts out and finally answered Sapnap.

"Yes Sapnap?"

Dream didn't notice till then that Sapnap's face was beat red.

"Why are you all red? You okay? Did i accidentally mutter something embarrassing? Sorry I got distracted-"

"By me."

"What?"Dream furrowed his eyebrows.

"By me." Sapnap repeated. "You got distracted from how I looked. I watched you study me..creep." Sapnap muttered the last word out looking away shyly.

"I'm sorry Sapnap you're just so pretty."

"Save it. Don't try to change the subject now."Sapnap looked backed at Dream angrily.

"What do you mean-"Dream said finally looking into Sapnap piercing eyes.

"I'll say it again. Why did you kiss me? And why are you calling me pretty? Why are you all of sudden so interested?"

That last line hurt Dream. Did Dream really not give Sapnap this much attention before? How does he even explain himself if he doesn't even know the answer for himself?

"Sapnap I can't give you an answer."

"Why not?" Sapnap looked puzzled.

"I-I just can't I don't have an answer for you..not yet anyways.I just did it and I don't know how to explain why I did it. It just felt like the right things to do." Dream muttered out embarrassingly.

Sapnap looked at Dream harshly and Dream was about to look away in shame until he saw Sapnap's eyes soften.

"I see." Sapnap said looking down at the floor breaking the eye contact.

"Well whenever you do , let me know."Sapnap said turning to go back into his room until again, Dream hold his wrist to stop him. Sapnap let himself get stopped.

"What now?" Sapnap said,not meaning for it to sound to harsh.

"Please. Don't ignore me. I-I need you."Dream begged.

Blushed crept fast on Sapnap face. He pulled his wrist away rubbing it.

"Uh y-yeah sorry about i'll stay out here." Sapnap stuttered out a little flushed avoiding Dream's eye contact.

Dream smiled and opened his arms implying for a hug.

Sapnap looked at his arms then to Dream's face and Dream could see Sapnap was hesitant about it.
But he gave in and hugged Dream,holding him tightly. And for the millionth time Sapnap tears couldn't help themselves and started to fall down his cheek.But they weren't sad no, they felt like a relief as Sapnap smiled through them. Dream pulled away slowly.

"Sorry for the tears I can't help it." Sapnap laughed reaching to wipe them but Dream stopped him.

"Hm?" Sapnap looked confused.

But then Dream cupped his face and kissed Sapnap passionately.And this time Sapnap let himself melt into the kiss, clinging onto dream hoodie pulling him closer. Dream smiled hard in the kiss as he could taste Sapnap salty tears. Dream pulled away and he could see Sapnap chasing his lips before he pecked them again. Dream laughed squishing Sapnap's cheeks with his hands. Sapnap laughed too and finally Dream could wipe off the tears off Sapnap face. He smoothly dragged his fingers down Sapnap's cheeks,wiping away the wet tears as he looked in awe as he saw sapnap melt into his fingers, closing his eyes smiling. He kissed Sapnap forehead before saying "Wanna order today? I'm to tired to cook."

"Mhm sure" Sapnap said nodding, walking back to his room.

"Oh and you might wanna change your shirt. Your nipples were showing the whole time." Dream said smirking.

"PERVERT!" Sapnap yelled from inside his room. Before Dream could hear the door slam.

Yeah it was great to have a roommate. Dream laughed happily to himself before walking to order some food.

Word count-805

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