Chapter 6

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It has been a few days since Gipsy had finally awaken from her coma. And feeling outcast to the other Jeagers. She kept her distance from them, as they trained with one another she was watch from afar. The engineers also warned her to take it easy tell they were sure she was fit for battle.

Gipsy told no one about her scars or her medical issues. Seeing it was her business and no one else's. At the moment she was leaning on a nearby wall on the training area that was set up for the Jeagers. Watching as the other three fought.

Striker's Pov.

I stood off against Crimson Typhoon, he readied his spinning blades as I readied my blades. He was the one to make the move as he came at me, swinging his saws at me. I moved back with each swing, using my blades to keep him from making contact. I could hear our humans wear cheering is on.

I was able to push him back as I took a few swings, he blocked them as well. "Come on Striker, I thought you were better than this!" Crimson called out as he readied for another attack. I smirked as he took a swing to low. I dodged it and his saw got stuck in the ground. He looked to me as I kneed him hard, making fall back. I moved as I put my foot on his chest an my blade to his eye.

"Ya, that I am." I smirked as I had won, I retracted my blades as I stepped off him and he got up. "Show off." Crimson laughed slightly as he hit my shoulder slightly. "Ay, not the one swinging three arms around." I chuckled as I was starting to like this Jeager. "Another good training session." Cherno Alpha spoke from the side as he had already fought his share of the day. Just watching us as we fought.

I held the smirk under my helmet as I couldn't help but glance around. I noticed that Gipsy was a bit  ways from all of us, leaning up on the wall with her arms crossed. I hummed a moment in a thought "YO Gipsy, why not come an show us what ya got." I called her out as everyone turned to her. I smirked as I knew she was watching me now. I had moved closer to her as I stood a few feet away.

She said nothing as she pushed herself off the wall an turned to leave. I quickly stopped her from doing so. "Awe come on love, don't be that way." I taunted her as I smirked, trying to get her to snap at me. "I won't say this twice, get out of my way boi." She said lowly as she looked to me. "Why don't you make me.~" I said as my blade shot out of my right arm.

Everyone watched Gipsy intensely wait to see her answer. I was wanting a fight to get back at her jumping me in med Bay. "What you think you'll mess up your paint job and are too good to fight? Or are you scared.~" I smirked as I saw her fist ball up. "You want a fight, you got one." She growled out slightly as her blade shot out of her left arm.

I quickly blocked as she swings her blade but she was quick to bring her leg up an kick me back. I stumbled as I used my blade to stop me from skidding back to far. I looked back up as she came at me, this time to rolled out of her way she tried to strike at me. I quickly got back to my feet as she turned to face me. "Now this is a fight." I smirked we circled each other.

I ran at her as I brought both my blades out an attacked her. She brought her blade up as she blocked my attack. We stood at a stand still a few moments before she seems to be struggling slightly. I smirked "What already getting tired.~" I laughed slightly, she then forced my blades down and before I had a chance to do anything. She balled up her right fist and hit me hard on the side of my helmet. 

I stumbled back as I shook my head slightly, I growled as I looked back to Gipsy. I could hear the humans as they watched use and the Jeagers as well. She held her blade an fist up ready to fight. I yelled out slightly as we continued to attack each other. Each of us landing a few blows on one another. I panted slightly as I swung at her again but blocked as she landed a hard blow to my gut.

As I hunched over slightly to brought her knee up and kneed my face breaking my visor to my helmet as it flew off. I fell back as she stood over me, she held me down as her blade hovered over my face. I stared up at her as we both panted heavily from the fight. I watched as Gipsy then stood up off me, she then held out her hand for me.

I huffed as I grabbed a hold of her hand as she pulled me up. "You ain't a bad fighter, I miss judged ya lass." I held my head slightly as I already knew the headache that was to come from this fight. I heard her Huff slightly as she retracted her blade. "You ain't bad ether and don't call me 'lass', it's Gipsy Danger to you." I watched her as she turned an walked out of the training area.

'Damn, I think I'm starting to like her.' I smirked slightly as I picked up my helmet.

"Whatever you say Gipsy."

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