Chapter 13

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Hey guys, sorry I haven't been working on this book or some of my others I have up.

I just been busy working, passing my driver's written test, and getting my first vehicle, so ya a lot going on.

I am trying to get the energy to continue my books.

I really appreciate the love and support I get from you all.

Gipsy's pov.

I groaned slightly as I slowly woke up, my eyes taking a moment to focus. Well my one eye to focus anyway. I frowned slightly as I didn't recognize where I was at first. But I lifted my head as I looked to the stand and saw Strikers helmet resting on it. Then it hit me 'wait a moment, we didn't?' I thought as I turned a bit and saw a arm around my waist. I followed it and saw Striker still fast asleep behind me.

I felt my core heat up as I realized that most our armor was removed as well. I sat up as I got up and was quick to start putting my armor back on. "Ya know the base ain't up for another 2 hours or so.." I tensed as I looked over my shoulder, seeing Striker sitting up as he looked at me. I felt my core heat more as he looked a lot hotter without his armor on. I turned back as I locked my leg guards back on.

"I'm always up early.." I said as I was sitting on the edge of his bed. "Why don't you just come lay back down, cuddle a bit or have some fun~" I jumped slightly as I was pulled back onto the bed and watched as he pinned me down in what seemed like a playful manner. I looked up to him as he smirked down to me. I only rolled my eyes as I stared back up to him.

"You're still buzzed, aren't you?" I teased as I pushed him off me and got up, he huffed a pout as he leaned on his side watching me. "You can't lie, you loved ya gift~" he continued to tease and I picked up his crotch covering, tossing it at him. Of course, he catch it with ease "Just get dressed." I put my helmet on as I left his room heading to mine.

Once in my room I groaned as I hit my head against the wall slightly. 'Why the hell did I let this happen?!' I mentally yelled at myself as I closed my eyes behind my helmet. After sulking a bit on letting myself get carried away. I went to the training room and started to blow off steam as I tried to get Striker off my mind.

I was bench pressing a bit when the other Jaeger's decided to join. "Why are you up this early?" I glanced over as I heard Crimson ask and yawned tiredly. Alpha went and sat on a bench next to us as Crimson started to spot me. I nodded to him slightly in appropriation and continued to lift the weights. "Working off last night, think I made the top of my class laying about doing nothing." I stated after i made it to 50 bench presses.

"You shouldn't over work yourself Gipsy, not good for the body." Alpha said as I put the weights back on the bar holder and sat up. We sat and talked between the three of us. Striker soon joined us and we continued training. I couldn't stop looking over at him, the thought of what we did last night still fresh in my mind.

I honestly didn't know what to think. Striker puts off player vids when he's around, I sighed as i watched Striker as he spared with Alpha. Not know where this would lead us too.

I hoped you guys liked it.

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