Chapter 11

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No One's Pov.

As the days just went on, everyone was on their toes waiting for the next Kaiju attack. The Jaeger's had been training every day in the training hall. They all started to grow to see each other as friends and as a team. Even Gipsy being as stubborn as she was, she had started to actually get to know the others better.

Tho she still getting used to it, she to saw them as her friends. But Striker was a different story. Most could tell that the two stubborn Jaeger's had chemistry between them. Watching them fight together was an interesting sight to watch. They would be locked, blade to blade as they wouldn't be more than a few inches from each other's helmets.

The more they trained together, the more they talked. The more their bond began to grow for one another. And it had started to grow obvious between the other jaegers and their human comrades. 

Now it was later in the day, Alpha and Crismon had already called it a day as they had returned to the rooms for the night. Gipsy and Striker on the other hand were still in the training hall, Striker had moved to sit out a while as he watched Gipsy continuing to practice.  Fighting the air as if there was an enemy in front of her. He would smile to himself without him realizing it as he watched her move. Striker had never met a Jaeger like Gipsy before, Herc had been right about him starting to truly like Gipsy. Hell, if it wasn't for his stubbornness, he would have already said he was head of heels for this female. And if Gipsy wasn't the same way, she would have thought the same.

Striker was brought from his trans as Gipsy sighed and panted gently as she straightened her posture. Her head tiled up a bit as she closed her eyes a moment and calmed her systems a bit before turning to Striker. "Worn out yet?" Striker huffed a laugh as he leaned back against the wall behind him. Gipsy gave a small chuckle as she shook her head slightly as she went and sat next to him "Never, always at the top of my game." she said as she rested looking to him. "I wouldn't doubt ya one bit." Striker smirked slightly.

He stood up and turned to Gipsy as he offered her a hand "It's getten late, might as well head to bed." Gipsy watched as he stood and held his hand out for her to take. She would smile a bit at the gesture as she let him help her up. Striker had walked along side Gipsy as he accompanied her to her room. Making small talk as they often did now talking about almost anything. "Hey Gips, you know ya don't have to put so much on your shoulders."  Striker stated as they turned a corner and reached Gipsy's room. "Not good to push yourself over the limit." Gipsy had opened the door to her room and stepped in slightly before turning to him.

She was silent a few moments before she gently rested her helmet against his. Striker froze slightly but didn't pull away. Tho to a human this small gesture didn't mean much but to a Jaeger, it was a sign of trust and in some cases. So much more. He had closed his eyes as he gently pressed his helmet against Gipsy's. They stayed like that a few more moments before she pulled back and looked to him. "You don't have to worry about me Striker." Gipsy said as she rested her hand on his arm gently, she smiled softly before she stepped back and held her hand over the button for her door. "Get some rest, goodnight." with that she shut her door.

Striker stared at the door a bit longer before he sighed "Night Gipsy." he mumbled gently and turned as he went to his room. He entered his room as he removed his helmet and sat it on the desk as he laid down. He stared up at the ceiling as he replayed what had just happened, it brought him to huff a small smile. This is the happiest he had been in a long time. He rolled onto his side as he slowly passed out.

I hoped you guys liked it.

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