year one - blithering idiot vs. pretentious bitch (ft. jeno & kannika)

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quite frankly, there was nothing wrong with being an idiot, as jinah lee liked to contest. she was surrounded by idiots any any given time and usually, they were pretty nice. her cat was an idiot. her next-door neighbor (who was a kilometer away) was an idiot. jinah's brother was an idiot. the only exception to the rule that 'idiots were nice' was jinah's brother's best friend: jaemin na.

jaemin and jeno had been best friends since before jinah could remember; it felt as though jaemin had just always been there. from some point onwards in her youth, jaemin had been a constant in her twin brother's life and by proxy, hers as well.

it was fine for a while, before either jeno or jaemin learned that not only could they torment poor jinah with non-magical items (inkwells were their favorite), they could do it with magical items as well. having been privy to magic ever since they were born (one of the only upsides to being a pureblood, as her mother attested).

they were lucky that jinah was so mature (she was already eleven years old!) otherwise they would've found their precious brooms shoved up something more than just her mother's old petunia pots.

but of course, as soon as jinah, jeno, and jaemin were to step foot in hogwarts, she would bid all semblance of relation goodbye, as it was obvious that jinah was going straight to gryffindor while her dimwit brother and his equally stupid best friend were going to straight to hufflepuff.

it had been jinah's dream since she was able to say the word 'gryffindor' (which had, admittedly, been just some weeks ago) that she would follow the footsteps of her parents and join the prolific ranks of gryffindor alumni would had proved their worth and their courage to the world.

she wasn't quite sure that her brother held any similar notions, however, given that he was more or less oblivious to the politics of houses in hogwarts, being rather obsessed with the sport of quidditch instead.

so it was really no surprise when the three of them (jinah, jeno, and jaemin) barely cross the platform on time because jeno's forgotten his broom at home for the third time that day, with jaemin's parents having already crossed the first time due to a meeting they were in with some important ministry or another.

needless to say, they weren't happy to see the lee siblings show up with mussed hair and red cheeks from their sprinting alongside their jolly parents and the male twin's best friend.

"now, i know that you'll be going off on your own ways but take care of your brother, alright?" jinah's mother says, fixing the lapel of her daughter's sweater as the children haphazardly get ready to board the train. she presses a kiss to her forehead, causing jinah to resist the urge to roll her eyes, just nodding instead, deciding against providing a witty remark about how her brother would have to keep out of her way.

she hears her father say something of similar regards to her brother and they make eye contact, a silent word of agreement passing through the both of them. if there was one thing they could agree on, it was not agreeing.

jinah watches as jaemin's mother glances over her son, looking unimpressed with what she finds, but passing him along to his father anyway, who just gives him a firm handshake and waves him off to board the train, much too preoccupied speaking to prim looking woman next to him. jinah meets jaemin's eye from the platform and the entrance of the train and for the first time, she sees something other than mischief or clever wit in his eyes: a sense of loneliness that's far too profound for someone she had categorized as a two-dimensional person with little other thought than how to pull off a better prank than the last.

before she can press on it for too long, however, he disappears into the train and jinah and jeno are being ushered onto the train as well, with jinah taking a seat in the cabin across from where jeno and jaemin were sitting, finding it to be empty, to her relief.

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